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Aaliyah - A few days later
I sat in the backyard and took deep breaths and and long exhales. I was meditating for the first time in a long time. The sun was rising and it felt like a perfect time to do this. With everything going on I really needed to ground myself and get in tune with my heart and mind.

Things haven't really been too different between Carti and I since everything happened. We've kinda just been avoiding the topic all together for the sake of our feelings and an argument. He would be taking the test tomorrow and it would take at least two to ten days for the results to come back.

My nerves were all over the place and so was my anxiety and stress levels. I wish tomorrow would be the end and we'd know the results. Thankfully nobody knew about this yet and there were no rumors going around on the internet.

I stood up and started stretching for a few minutes to close out my meditation. I laid flat on the grass and looked up at the sky. It was pink and orange and the air smelled fresh. I felt one with the earth right now and very light.

My phone started vibrating and I sighed grabbing it. I seen Ivy's contact on the screen and debated on answering it or not. I didn't call her back like I was supposed to because of everything going on.

"Hello?" I answered it.

"Hey what are you doing up this early?" She asked giggling.

"Just living and breathing, what are you doing up this early is the real question?" I laughed.

"I have a ten o'clock call time so I'm getting ready. You never called me back like you were supposed to." She continued.

"Yeah I know I've just been busy I'm sorry." I explained.

"Is everything okay?" She sounded concerned.

"Yeah I'm good, what did you need to talk to me about?" I asked feeling nervous.

I knew Ivy got all the gossip and the tea before word hit the streets. I didn't want any of my friends or family knowing about our situation right now. I wanted to wait until the results were back and even then it wasn't my place to tell Jordan's business.

"Oh it wasn't important it was just some drama. You didn't call me back so I just wanted to check on you." She laughed

"What drama?" I hesitated to ask.

"I sent Symere nudes and one of his hoes seen it and tried to argue with me through text. I was about to link up and fight her and then he facetimed me and told me not to. The whole time we were on the phone they were arguing and, she was blowing up my phone trying to call me." She laughed.

"Girl that is so messy." I laughed feeling a weight lifted off of me.

"I know and I don't care because that shows me if I want him I can have him." She smiled propping her phone up.

"So why aren't you with him?" I laughed.

"Because of that situation right there, it shouldn't be any hoes for me to argue with. I should be able to send him nudes and I should get an "on the way." text. I shouldn't be fighting with bitches but I do it to prove a point." She shrugged.

"If he gets it together and comes to his senses maybe we can work things out. If not he'll just be one of my little hoes and I'm okay with that. He thinks he's running game but I'm the coach here." She laughed.

"Maybe you should just stop wasting time and find someone who wants to just be with you." I suggested.

"Kennedy set me up on a blind date tonight so let's cross our fingers and hope everything goes well." She crossed her fingers.

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