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Rayne in MM :)
"So are you still coming tonight?" Raven asked.

"Yeah I plan on it, what exactly is going on tonight?" I smiled.

Raven stopped by my office to have lunch with me since we've both been too busy to see each other. Another month has passed and it went by fairly quick. Everything was great right now and mother's day is this month. I was excited and also wanted to do something nice for all the moms I know.

"It's a game night and we'll have drinks and all that kind of stuff. It'll be fun plus we've all been busting our asses working we deserve some fun." She smiled.

"That sounds fun I'll definitely be there. Who all did you invite?"

"Your friends, a few of my friends, Ian invited the few people he's cool with. Iggy won't be there though if that's what you were wondering." She laughed.

"Why is it because of what I told you? I don't want you to think you can't invite them places when you want to invite me."

"No her and Carti have been on a break for a month now. I thought they would be back together by now but things aren't looking up for them." She shrugged.

"Yikes that's unfortunate." I looked down at my ringing phone.

"This is Jay let me take this real quick." I said and she nodded.

She walked out and I accepted the call.

"Wassup Liyah, how you doing?" He asked.

"I'm good as usual, how are you doing?"

"I'm straight, I wanted to call and see how lil mama is doing? I know she had her doctors appointment yesterday."

"She's doing good she's gained some weight since you last seen her. She even started smiling a little bit. I'll have to send you some more pictures soon." I smiled.

"That's good I can't wait to get those pictures. How are you doing though?"

"I'm good just working as usual." I chuckled.

"Nah I mean how are you really doing? I was reading about postpartum depression the other day. I care about you still and I want to make sure as Rayne's mother you're straight. Even though I can't do much in here for you I know D'angelo will help you if I ask."

"That's really sweet Jay I appreciate that and I'm doing just fine. I couldn't be any happier and I promise I'm not going through postpartum." I giggled.

"Good I'm glad to hear that I just want to make sure you straight too. I've been meaning to talk to you about something as well."

"Okay what's up?"

"You have five minutes left on this call." The automated voice said.

"Ah shit I guess we better wrap this up then. I just wanted to talk about us if there even is an us. I know I did some fucked up shit and you have the right to hate me. I want us to work things out for the sake of Rayne. If we can't do that I'll settle for coparenting but I want to see where your head is at." He said.

"Jason I'm not sure how I feel about an us right now. Honestly I haven't even thought about an us because you disappeared. Jason I still love you and I love you even more as Rayne's father. Right now I'm a bit emotionally unavailable and with you being in prison..how would we make that work?" I questioned.

"If we really wanted to be together I'm sure we can make it work. I know it's a bit selfish of me to even ask you to be my girl again while I'm in here for five years. I just want to come home to a family and that's all I've ever wanted."

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