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I ended up deciding to come back home with Carti after overthinking as usual. I was still nervous but I missed being back in the A. I hadn't been back since Christmas and it's almost been too long. Thinking back and just reminiscing life has change so much.

I started to think about how I got that call from Ian that morning and it was his usual begging me to come out to California. I was so adamant in not working for him but that one choice to finally let up changed everything.

"Hey what's on ya mind?" Carti asked grabbing my hand.

Carti and I were at dinner at this nice restaurant before we went to his friends exhibit. I was kinda zoned out just staring off and looking out of the window.

"Just life and how much it's change for me. You know we've known each other for two years now?" I asked smiling.

"Damn it's been two years already?" He smiled.

"Yeah I know right." I laughed.

"It feel like I've known you forever though that's what's crazy." He stated.

"Awww." I smiled.

"Are you guys ready for the checks?" The waitress asked.

"Yeah just one check." He said and she nodded.

"So this friend were going to see have I met him before?" I asked.

"No but I'm sure you know him. His name is Gunner Stahl."

"Oh yeah I've heard of him I love his work. Why didn't you tell me you guys were friends?" I smiled.

"I don't know if I knew you liked his work I probably would've introduced you guys before."

"Well I'm excited to officially meet him." I smiled.

"Here you guys go no rush though." The waitress put the check down.

"You ready to get out of here?" He asked me.

"Yeah I'm ready when you are." I smiled.

He put money down for the meal and tip and I stood up putting my jacket on. He grabbed my hand and we made our way out of the restaurant.

He opened my door and kissed me before I got in.

We walked through the back entrance of the museum and we met Gunner in this private room they had set up for him. The show case started at eight and we got here about fifteen minutes early.

"Yoo wassup!" Gunner smiled and dapped Carti up.

"Wassup man congratulations I'm proud as fuck of you." Carti smiled.

They hugged and Carti embraced him like he was his younger brother. There was a small height difference between the two as well. Carti looked genuinely happy for him and Gunner looked ever more happier.

"This is my girlfriend Aaliyah." He introduced us.

"It's nice to meet you, Carti talks about you all the time. I'm a big fan of your work I seen some of the pieces you've done for him and Ian." He smiled.

"Aww thank you it's nice to finally meet you as well. I'm a big fan of you too I love your work." I smiled hugging him.

"I'll be back Li." He kissed me on the cheek and walked away.

"We should collab I'd love to do some work with you." He smiled.

"I would love that too, here I have a card this is my personal info."

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