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Aaliyah- Atlanta, GA
Since Jason told me that he got the job and was going to be on the tour I decided to come to Atlanta for the week. I was still upset at Jason for the way he reacted in that situation and I still wasn't feeling that apology he gave. I've always felt like if you apologize you back it up with changing your actions. Jason continues to do the same things over and over and thinks an apology can patch things up. I felt like he was taking advantage of my kindness and manipulating me in a sense too.

One thing I promised myself this week is that I won't think about work, him, or any other problems.

Thanksgiving is in a couple days and I was happy to be back in Atlanta and to finally be seeing Carti. He'd been doing shows and other press runs I hadn't seen him for almost a month and I really missed him.

After waiting at baggage claim for about ten minutes I grabbed Rayne and I's bags. I made my way toward the exit and started looking for Carti. As I looked through the crowd I seen him holding a sign with my name on it and some flowers. I made my way towards him and had the biggest smile on my face.

"You are so adorable." I smiled and grabbed his face kissing him.

"I missed you Li." He pulled me into a hug.

"I missed you too baby." I smiled.

"I missed you too Rayne." He smiled grabbing her hand and she smiled back.

He grabbed some of our bags and we made our way out of the airport. I strapped Rayne in while he put the bags in the car. We got in and made our way to his house.
Once we got to the house we got situated and I put Rayne down for a nap while I cooked dinner.

"We never talked about how your hearing went." He had his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah because it didn't go good and I didn't want to talk about it." I leaned on the counter.

"What happened?" He asked.

"He got mad because the judge said he has to have supervised visitation and we got into an argument after the hearing. He was accusing me of trying to limit his time with Rayne."

"He does know that you don't have nothing thing to do with that right?" He asked.

"That's what judge told him and he wasn't trying to hear it. He called and apologized like usual but I wasn't trying to hear it. I ended up telling him that I don't want to talk to him unless it's about Rayne or something important."

"I been told you that you should've set those boundaries. That's some lame ass shit he better be glad I wasn't there." He licked his lips.

"I know but I really though he was improving and I was giving him a chance. So before the hearing him and D came over and visited. Everything went good and he has a job now going on tour. Then all of that happened and it showed me all that stuff he was talking was bullshit." I turned around checking on the food.

"He got some deeper issues and it's the fact that he can't have you in my opinion. So any time something happens he going to be mad. Rayne is the priority at the end of the day all that petty shit need to go." He said and I nodded agreeing.

"We also ended up talking about you as well during his visit." I brought up.

"Oh really? How did that happen?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"We got on the topic of me being in a serious relationship and he asked who I was with. He asked me had you been around Rayne and I told him yes."

"And what he have to say about that?" He asked.

"He said that if you're going to continue to be around Rayne that he wants to meet you. He said he's not trying to grill you he just wants to see you and have a quick talk or whatever." I explained.

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