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My first solo collection had officially launched and I was nervous, excited, thankful, and stressed all at once. I know I had so much support but I was just worried about people liking my pieces enough to buy them. I'd been working on this collection for a very long time and scrapped and redid so much of my work.

I was sitting in my office with my manager, my two assistants, and I had Rayne with me. One of my assistants was handling my social media's and the other one was tracking product sales. I sat back and played with Rayne to ease my nerves a little bit.

"Rayne, mama is anxious baby." I said playing with her and her blocks.

"Mama..." Rayne said.

I frozen in place and my stomach dropped as I looked at Rayne.

"Yes Rayne, mama..I'm mama baby!" I pulled out my phone and started recording.

"Mamamama." She said squealing and slamming her blocks.

"Yes Rainy I'm mama." I started smiling and crying.

I picked her up and placed kisses all over her face.

"I love you so much baby." I hugged her and held her head.

"Aaliyah everything is sold out." My assistant Kelsey said.

"Wait what??" I asked.

"Yeah, everything is sold out girl." She smiled.

"It's only been forty five minutes are you sure it's not just a glitch?" I asked.

I looked at my watch and then loaded my website up on my phone. I clicked on my products and started scrolling through and everything was sold out.

"Oh my god, I sold out..." I said in disbelief.

"People are already asking when you're restocking." My another assistant Angelina said.

"You did it Aaliyah, I told you to stop doubting yourself girl!" My manager Laurie hugged me.

"Thank you guys so much, I really couldn't have done this without y'all." I smiled and we had a group hug.

"When can I restock? When should I restock?" I asked Laurie.

"Lets take a look at your product." She said opening her laptop.

"Okay let me know when it's loaded."

I picked up my phone and seen my mom was calling me.

"Mommy I already sold out!" I smiled.

"See I told you to stop doubting yourself baby! Congratulations Lele this is only the beginning sweetie."

"Mommy, Rayne said Mama today too." I smiled hard as hell.

"You're lying." She said in disbelief.

"Yeah I was able to get it on video I'll send it to you."

"Yes send it to me please. I have to get back to work I'll see you later I love you."

"I love you too." I said hanging up.

"Okay so we have one hundred to one hundred and fifty units of everything. We can do a restock when ever you want to really." Laurie said.

"Okay lets do it tomorrow afternoon." I smiled.
Later that night
I walked inside this really nice venue with my manager and my assistants. Laurie planned a celebratory party for my launch a few weeks ago. There was even a mini red carpet leading into the building. My friends and family were here along with so many industry people. There was a little section where they could shop and buy pieces from my collection too.

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