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I pulled into Amethysts drive way and cut the engine of my car. My phone vibrated, it was a text from Aaliyah letting me know she made it to the office safe. I texted her back and let her know I made it here cool too. I laid my head back on the headrest and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and exhaled it before opening up my eyes.

I got out of the car and walked up the driveway making my way to her front door. I rung the doorbell and shortly after she came to the door. She let me in and I followed behind her as we made our way into the living room. I took a seat and nodded my head at the other dude.

He definitely wasn't a nobody and I recognize him from watching basketball. I can't remember what team he played for but I really didn't care. I was here to get this shit over with and go back home for real.

This was the most awkward and uncomfortable situation I've ever been in. I just wanted all of this shit to be over today. I wanted this shit to be flat out in black and white whether he was mine or not. I felt like the uncertainty kept a lot of things hanging in the air and I didn't like it.

The woman who was administering the test was prepping and slipped on a pair of gloves. She walked over to Iggy and Elijah first and swabbed his mouth. She placed the swab in its respective place and then proceeded to the other dude. She repeated the process with myself and the started packing up her things.

"I just need you all to fill out this form with your address and name and some other info on it. Once the results come back they will be mailed to your house in an envelope. Each of you will get a copy of the results with your respected results on them." She passed out the papers.

"How long does it take to get the results back?" The dude questioned.

"It could take as little as two days or as long as ten. It's business days of course so just keep that time frame in mind." She explained.

I filled out the forms quickly and handed it back to her. I sat back and crossed my arms waiting for my cue to leave.

"Alright we're all done here you all have a good day." She placed the papers in a file.

We all made our way out of the house and I placed my hood on my head. I wasn't trying to stay around to chit chat or get to know anybody. I had shit to do and I just wanted to get back home to Aaliyah.

"Jordan." Iggy called after me.

I sighed and turned around seeing her with Elijah in her arms. When I looked at her all I felt was anger, hate, and animosity.

When I looked at him I felt sorrow, guilt, and sadness. He wasn't even getting the chance to bond with his father because his mother was selfish.

"Wassup?" I asked.

"I want you to know I'm sorry that I'm putting you through all of this. I should've done this sooner and I wish I could take it back. Congrats on your engagement too that's really exciting." She weakly smiled.

"Thanks, is that all? I kinda got somewhere to be." I lied.

"That's it." She nodded.

"Alright see you." I turned around going back to my car.

As I got in my car I tapped on Aaliyah's name calling her. It went to voicemail after a few rings and I sighed.

"Hey I just wanted to see where you at I was gonna slide by the office. If you don't hit me soon I'll be home. I love you, let me know wassup." I hung up.
I sat in my chair in my office going over some final mock ups and sketches. I was working on my own collection and just finishing up some work for Tyler. I decided to come into the office after not being here for a while because I needed to get out of the house. I felt really antsy and jittery about him taking this test, and I knew being at home wouldn't help.

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