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Aaliyah - A couple weeks later
Everything has been okay since the incident that happened at my house. Nothing strange had happened to Carti or I and I was relieved. I still decided to get security back for not only my safety but Rayne's. When we went out places I made sure my security wasn't far behind.

Carti was back on the road and we've been apart ever since. He was going to be free for Thanksgiving so I wanted to figure out what we would do. Since Jason was out I knew Rayne would be splitting the holidays with him and I now. I knew most likely Carti would be going home but I needed to figure out how I would split that time.

Today I invited Jason over so he could visit with Rayne but also for him and I to talk. He was close to being done with his parenting classes and we had court in a few days. I not only needed to talk about that but also how his job and home search was going.

I picked up Rayne out of her walker and buzzed Jason in. I made my way to the door and opened it seeing Jason and D'angelo. Since we hadn't had our court date yet we didn't have a supervisor. I felt more safe having someone around with us so I invited D'angelo too.

"Look who it is Rayne!" I smiled and she started making sounds.

I handed Rayne to Jason and closed the door behind them.

"Hey mama." Jason smiled kissing Rayne.

"You guys want anything to drink?" I asked.

"Nah I'm good, thanks though." Jason said.

"Just get me a water please." D'angelo said.

I grabbed two water bottles out of the kitchen and made my way into the living room. They were all sitting on the couch and Jason was playing with Rayne. I sat down in my chair across from them and smiled.

"Damn Aaliyah this house is nice as hell." Jason said looking around.

"Thank you I worked hard for it." I smiled.

"I'm proud of you," He said smiling.

"So speaking of jobs, how's your search been going?" I asked.

"Well I asked my parole officer if it would be okay if I could move in with someone. He said as long as they could check out the place and do a background check on the person it would be fine." He stated.

"Thats good, who do you plan on moving in with?" I asked.

"For right now D'angelo and then once I get on my feet I'll have my own place. I have a meeting set up later for a possible gig too." He smiled.

"That's really good, what's the gig?" I asked.

"I'll be going on tour with A boogie as his tour photographer if I get the job." He smiled.

"Oh wow how'd you get that?" I asked.

"We go back a while and he found out I got out and hit me up. He knew I needed a job and offered me this one."

"Well I really hope you get it." I smiled and he nodded.

"Yeah I just wanna be stable and secure as soon as possible. You know I have two kids now I need to provide for." He said and I nodded.

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