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Rayne in the MM 🥺❤️
Aaliyah - Two months later
My baby is officially six months today and of course I had to have a celebration for her. She was growing so much and so fast it felt crazy to watch. She was trying to talk which really was just blabbering, she can sit up on her own and roll over. She'd been trying to crawl a little bit but she wasn't quite getting it.

Since she was six months I decided to schedule a swimming class for me. I have an instructor coming out this afternoon for a private lesson. It's important for me to have her take advantage of everything especially if I can afford it. I wanted her to grow to be better than me and go into the world being more prepared than me.

I heard my doorbell ring and jogged down the stairs. I looked through the peephole and opened the door smiling. Carti smiled as I opened the door and he had bags in his hands.

"Hey you're here early." I smiled letting him in.

"Yeah I figured I would surprise you." He smiled.

"Who's all the bags for?" I asked closing the door.

"I bought some stuff for Rayne and my mom sent her some things too."

"Aww that's so sweet thank you. Your mom is so sweet I'm going to call her." I smiled taking the bags from him.

"She always asks about you so I know she'll love to hear from you." He smiled.

"Aww she's so sweet I love her."

"I bought some food too you want me to take it to the kitchen?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm going to take this upstairs and check on Rayne real quick." I said.

I walked upstairs and walked into Rayne's room seeing her still fast asleep. I placed the bags down and made sure not to make any noise. I closed her door and walked out jogging down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and seen Carti leaning against the counter on his phone. I walked up to him and he put his phone in his pocket. He pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I missed you." He looked down at me.

"I missed you too Carter." I smiled wrapping my arms around him.

He just got off of his tour a few days ago and he kept telling me I was the first person he wanted to see. Even though we hadn't seen each other in the past two months we talked damn near everyday. We weren't back together and we weren't dating but we definitely had something going on.

He picked me up and placed me on the counter. I smiled and wrapped my arms his neck. He placed his hands on my thighs and I pulled him towards me.

"I'm being dead ass." He spoke into my neck.

"I know and I'm serious too Jordan." I smiled as he kissed on my neck.

"Gimme a kiss then.." He looked at me.

"Say please." I smirked.

"Can I get a kiss please?" He licked his lips.

I grabbed his face and kissed his forehead, his nose, and then I placed a few pecks on his lips.

"You got me begging for some love what kinda shit is that?" He grabbed my chin.

"When it's not yours you gotta beg for it." I laughed and got down off the counter.

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