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Aaliyah - February 4th, 2020 NYFW
Tomorrow is my first ever independent fashion show and I felt excitement, nervousness, anxiousness, happiness and out of everything I was so proud of myself. I hand picked a lot of the invites because I wanted to share this moment with the people most important to me and the people that influenced and inspired me. Laurie also invited specific people in the industry for publicity and exposure purposes.

Rayne was also walking now so she wanted to get into everything. Aside from me doing my work chasing her around and keeping her out of stuff was a whole other job now. Jason still hadn't seen her because he claims to be busy with work and we have only talked a handful of times since Christmas Eve.

I pulled out my phone and called Carti while I rode to the hotel.

"Hey baby I just wanted to let you know I landed." I smiled as his face popped up on the screen.

"Good are you on your way to the hotel?" He asked placing a blunt in his mouth.

"Yeah I should be there soon." I looked out of the window.

"I should be there tonight no later than eleven." He licked his lips exhaling smoke.

"Okay I can't wait to see you." I smiled.

"I can't wait to see you too baby, I miss you and my pussy." He smiled causing me to laugh.

"We miss you too it's been too long." I pouted.

"Aight I'ma let you go I'll let you know when I land." He winked.

"Alright baby I love you be safe."

"I love you too mama." He threw up a peace sign and we hung up.

We pulled up to the hotel and I grabbed Rayne and her car seat. My driver opened the door for me and security grabbed our bags. I walked inside the hotel and checked in getting one of the room keys. I told them my boyfriend would be coming in later tonight to retrieve the other one.

We made our way up the elevator and stopped on the top floor. Since I was going to be in New York for about a week my assistants booked the presidential suite. I had them book a nice and big room close to ours for Linda as well. I'm so thankful for her and she was my savior and I was so happy when she said she would travel with me.

"Do you need anything from me before I go in my room Linda?" I smiled.

"No no I'm all good I'm about to shower and nap until tonight." She waved me off.

"Okay text me if you need anything." I insisted.

"I will." She smiled walking in her room.

I scanned the key card and unlocked the door to my suite. My security set my bags at the door and I told them they were free until tonight. Rayne was still sleeping so I left her in her car seat and grabbed our bags to start unpacking.

I opened the door to the main bedroom seeing roses in the shape of a heart on the bed with a card in the middle. I cheesed hard as hell and set the bags down walking to the bed. I picked up the card and opened it reading the message.

To my love,
I'm so proud of you and I'm thankful that I'm able to experience this with you. You're such a strong, loving and powerful woman and I'm so lucky to say you're mine. I can't wait to get you to myself tonight because I'm tearing you up. I want you to look sexy for me so I bought you something it's in a bag in the closet. I love you mama and I can't wait to see you.

Love yours truly,
Carter <3 xoxo

I smiled and closed the card sitting it on the table. I went to the closet and opened it seeing a black gift bag. I opened it up and pulled out a black lace thong, black heart shaped pasties and black lace stockings. I bit my lip and my lady friend started getting excited.

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