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I pulled up to the police department and got out locking my car. Who ever was involved in this robbery was going to get charges pressed on them. Aaliyah already expressed that she was going to make that happen when we find out.

"Hi how can I help you?" A woman officer greeted me from the desk.

"Wassup I'm here to see detective Jeffery." I stated.

"Oh yeah right this way." She smiled and stood up.

She led me to an office and the detective was doing some work on his computer.

"Hey Jeff the guy is here to see you." She smiled.

"Jordan how are you?" He got up and shook my hand.

"I'm good sir thank you, how are you doing?" I sat down in front of his desk.

"Oh I'm alright I'm glad you could meet with me today." He sat down.

"Yeah I'm glad you called me." I nodded.

"Alright I'm just gonna cut to the chase here. So we pulled the surveillance from your house and we got the surveillance from your girlfriends house. Of course you know they couldn't see who it was at your girlfriends house and we couldn't at your place either." He paused.

"Now they dusted for fingerprints at your girlfriends place and didn't find anything in the system. At your place they dusted and two people popped up in our system." He started pulling up stuff on his computer.

"Do you know a Brandon Jackson at all?" He asked.

"Nah I've never heard of him before and I don't think my girl does either but I can check." I stated.

"Okay what about a guy that goes by the name of Sin? His real name is Santana Jackson? Him and Brandon are brothers and those are the only two people who popped up in our system."

"Yeah I know Santana very well he's my girlfriends ex boyfriend." I said clenching my jaw getting very angry.

"Wow are you serious?" He questioned.

"Yeah they dated for a while and me and her were messing around. He beat her and she was unconscious. She had all these bruises on her face and everything. She was in the hospital for about a week." I explained.

"I seen that was his most recent charge on here too. I'm so sorry that happened please send your condolences to your girlfriend as well."

"So what's next? Is there a warrant out for their arrests or are they in custody?" I asked.

"There is a warrant out for their arrest and I see that your girlfriend has a restraining order against him. I suggest you get one against him as well and talk to your girlfriend about all of this as quickly as possible." He suggested.

"I'm flying out to see her tonight." I informed him.

"Okay well that's all I have for you but if you have any problems or questions contact me. This is my work and personal cellphone number on here." He handed me a card.

"Thank you I appreciate this." I shook his hand.

"No problem, we're still in contact with the police in your girlfriends state as well. They should be in contact with her soon as well." He added.

"Okay thank you I'll let her know."
Raven and I sat in my kitchen making registries for different places for her baby. I was working on target and she was working on Buy Buy Baby. She was three months and some change pregnant and she had the cutest little bump. I was probably more excited than she was and Ian was extremely protective of her.

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