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I woke up and I immediately felt panic and anxiety in my body. I started looking around and realized I was in a hospital room. I tried to sit up but my abdomen felt sore as hell. I looked down and seen iv's in my arm. I felt my face and felt a breathing tube connected to my nose. It was dark and quiet in the room but I seen what looked like two people sitting in chairs to my left.

"Jordan?" I called out and started crying.

I was really scared and I didn't know how I got here. I started thinking about Rayne and I started panicking. The last thing I remembered was trying to get back upstairs to Rayne and then feeling really tired. I started remembering what happened and how I could hear Rayne's cries as I tried to get to her.

"Hey!" I shouted out trying to get the attention of the people in my room.

I seen Ian sit up and he flicked the light switch on the wall on. I seen my mom asleep in the other chair but she started to wake up too.

"What's going on? Where am I? Where is Rayne and Jordan?" I started bawling my eyes out.

"Liyah it's okay calm down." Ian sat in my bed and grabbed my hands.

"Wheres Rayne and Jordan?" I asked again.

"They're at home Liyah, they're safe I promise you." He said and I nodded sniffling.

"What's going on why am I in here?" I asked.

"You got stabbed and you passed out and ambulance brought you here. They had to stitch you up but that's it you're fine." He said trying to calm me down.

"Did they get Rayne? Is Rayne okay?" I asked starting to panic again.

"Yeah she's okay Liyah I promise nothing is wrong with her. Her and Jordan are safe at home." He stated again.

I nodded and tried to calm myself down but I just wanted to visibly see for myself that Jordan and Rayne were okay.

"Liyah what happened?" My mom asked coming closer.

"I though Jordan was home early so I went downstairs but I realized it wasn't him. I ran upstairs and locked me and Rayne in her room. I called nine one one and I was sitting on the phone but my phone died." I started and felt my heart racing.

"Relax baby take some deep breaths." My mom said rubbing my forehead.

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths as she instructed me.

"They knocked the door down and I had to hide Rayne so they wouldn't see her. I ran down the stairs to get them away from the room but one of them grabbed me by my hair."

"I elbowed them and we started fighting and then I guess one of them stabbed me." I paused taking a deep breath.

"They ran out and then I tried to make my way back upstairs to get Rayne but I couldn't. I started getting really tired and that's all I remember." I started crying again.

"It's okay baby you're safe and Rayne is safe." My mom said kissing my forehead.

"Did you see any of them?" Ian asked.

"No they all had masks on I could only hear their voices." I said.

"Okay it's alright baby." My mom said.

"I'm really in pain right now Ma." I said whincing.

"Okay let me go find one of your nurses."
After struggling to get myself and Rayne together this morning we were finally at the hospital. While we were in the elevator Rayne was playing with the loose diamond necklace on my neck. Having to take care of her for the few hours between last night and this morning I realized there was much more to being a parent. A single parent at that and the amount of respect I had for Aaliyah sky rocketed now.

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