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hey guys!!

i know i have been gone for almost two months now (it feels longer). i'm not finished with this story and i hope you guys are still sticking around! life has just been very busy and i had to put writing on hold. i love writing tho and i love this story and i love all of you who support me. thank all of you who have made this story what it is bc i definitely would've never imagined it doing numbers like it has or even impacting people how it has. i enjoy reading your comments, seeing new readers not just on this story but my others as well, and seeing that you guys enjoy my work so much that you read it over and over again.

i will be back and my plan is during christmas break to finish this part of the book and transition to part three. this first semester of school was really no joke lmao so i really need to finish out strong and focus on my finals right now. i will be back and i hope when i come back all of you lovely people will be here and ready for a story!!

i love y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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