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Carti - Los Angeles, California
"So Carti are you looking for love right now?"

"Uh nah I'm not right now I just be busy chillin."

"So you're just working and you say that's all you need huh?"

"Yeah I mean, all I need is a friend you know what I'm saying." I laughed.

"Ahh I see, so what was up with you and Chyna?"

"Just good friends...that's it"

"You seem uneasy when we ask you about her."

"Yeah because I feel like that's the only person people seen me with you know what I'm saying"

"Because she is." They laughed.

"Yeah I know and that's fucked up to me. To go back to your other question about how much has changed in a year a lot. The girl I was with before her was my rider, my heart, my everything you know. It was like in her eyes I could do no wrong she really held me down and kept me ten toes."

"Would you say she was your first love?"

I smiled and looked down thinking about her for a minute. I hadn't seen her in so long or even really talked about her in months so this felt weird. I cleared my throat and looked back up.

"Uhh nah I wish I could say she was but I can say she's the first person to love me unconditionally. She's the first person to teach me what unconditional love really is."

"Wow do you mind elaborating a little bit?"

I moved around in my seat and adjusted the mic a little bit.

"Yeah uh I mean she loved and accepted my worst and my best. It wasn't about personal fulfillment with her it was genuine love."

"Can I ask you a question? You ever cheat on her?" He asked.

"Yeah and she still loved me after that."

"Do you think it's any hope for you and her? I mean by the way you talk about her I think we all see the love you still have for her."

"I'd marry her right now if I could cause I really feel like she my soulmate..she the one for me. I seen what I did to her so us not being together is probably good. Until I can love her the way I'm supposed to." I smiled.

End of flashback
"Jordan are you still going to see Ian? Or is he not back from Paris yet?" Iggy asked.

"Nah he's back I think he got back last night. I haven't really been able to see him since Virgil's show so rescheduling is no choice."

"I'm glad you guys could work things out I would hate to see years of a friendship go down the drain." She curled a piece of her hair.

"If it would've ended it would've been my fault. I don't even think about that cause we still friends." I put my jacket on.

Iggy and I met back towards the end of summer and started dating a little bit after that. Now we're living together and everything is good between us. She makes me happy I make her happy and we balance each other out.

"I'll see you later I'm about to get up outta here." I bent down kissing her.

"I love you let me know you made it safe." She smiled grabbing my chin.
I pulled up into Ian's drive way and grabbed my phone and keys getting out. Since I've been staying in Atlanta full time now we haven't gotten the chance to really link up. Plus we've both just been working and grinding.

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