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Aaliyah's birthday was in a few days and I had a lot of shit up my sleeve for her

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Aaliyah's birthday was in a few days and I had a lot of shit up my sleeve for her. I decided to die my dreads this burgundy color too at the last minute. She kept trying to persuade me to do a different color and I remembered she said I looked good in burgundy. It was a surprise and I hadn't told her I was doing it yet.

I got out of my car and locked it making my way inside the building of her office. I knew she'd just got done with a client and I had lunch for her. I walked inside and made my way to her office. I knocked on the door and heard her say come in. I walked inside and she had her eyes glued to her laptop.

"Hey baby." I smiled.

"Hey baby, just give me one second." She looked up and then looked back at her laptop.

She quickly looked back up and smiled at me as I sat in front of her.

"Jordan...your hair." She smiled.

"You like it?" I asked smiling.

"Baby I love it, it's so cute Jordan." She stood up walking over to me.

"I'm glad you like it." I smiled and pecked her lips.

I pulled our food out of the bags and sat hers on her side of the table. She walked back around her desk and took a seat.

"So your birthday is in a few days what we doing mama?" I asked.

"I know, I kinda forgot my birthday was even coming up with all this stuff going on. I didn't plan much because I haven't had time but, just spending the day with you is enough for me." She smiled.

"We can still do something even if it's in a week or two. Plus you didn't even celebrate your twenty first. That's a milestone age Li, we can do a two in one birthday."

"Yeah I know..." She sighed picking at her food.

"Wassup, why you sound so sad all of a sudden?" I asked closing my food box.

"I have a lot going on and I'm a little stressed out and frustrated. I still haven't found a studio and I haven't had time to. By the beginning of next month I'm supposed to have campaigns out for my launch. On top of all of that I'm stressed about this whole Jason shit."

"You'll find a studio baby trust me and, I can help you look for one. You showed me the ideas for your campaign all you have to do is put it together." I said and she nodded.

"Why are you stressed out about Jason?" I asked and she sat back.

"If he gets out I don't know how everything is going to work out. I've been doing this parenting thing on my own and we've never had to coparent. I'm kinda scared just thinking about handing her over to him for a day let alone a weekend." She sat up.

"We haven't talked about working out a schedule for visitation or anything. To add to that he's never even taken care of a baby before. I want to say I can trust him with Rayne, but can I? I don't know it's just a lot running through my mind. "

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