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Aaliyah - Christmas Eve
Since that whole situation with me and Jason happened I haven't spoken to him. We never talked about plans for Christmas so I assumed he wasn't going to see Rayne. I haven't even been focusing on him or that situation because Carti was right. He couldn't take Rayne away from me even if he tried and he was just trying to scare me.

I also couldn't force him to be in Raynes life if he didn't want to put forth the effort. He had specific days he could see Rayne and I was willing to let him see Rayne for Christmas. I don't think he knew that I knew but he'd been spending a lot of time in New York with Josiah.

I was happy that he was connecting and bonding with him but I didn't want him to neglect or forget about Rayne. No matter what type of relationship him and I had or have now that shouldn't get in the way of him seeing his daughter.

Today I took Rayne to take pictures with Santa and I was so excited. She had on a cute little outfit and her hair was curly with some little red bows. The pictures came out adorable and it made me really happy.

I knew that I was lucky to be as successful as I am at the age that I'm at and I was grateful for that. If I was this age without the stability it would probably be hard raising Rayne on my own. There are still challenges that just comes along with being a parent but, not having to worry about financial struggles was a blessing.

I strapped Rayne into her car seat and closed her door. I got in the car strapping myself in and started the car. My phone started ringing through the car and it was Jason. I rolled my eyes and accepted the call.

"What's up?" I asked in a dull tone.

"Hey I won't be able to make it back in time to see Rayne for Christmas." He said.

"Okay." I shook my head.

"Okay? That's it?" He questioned.

"Yeah okay what else do you want me to say?" I rolled my eyes.

"Nothing, can we figure something out for another date?" He asked.

"We'll see, you know your visitation days." I said flatly.

"Look I'm sorry Aaliyah you know I've been trying to figure-" He started but I cut him off.

"Jason I really don't want to hear it you know what I always tell you." I felt annoyed.

"Yeah I know don't apologize do better." He recited.

"Don't apologize to me anymore because it doesn't hurt me. Apologize to your daughter."
Later that night
I put Rayne to bed for the night and I took a shower and got myself together. I hadn't seen Jordan since he surprised me so it's been a couple weeks. We'd both still been busy so we didn't talk as frequent as we usually did either. I missed him like crazy and I couldn't wait to see him.

He had to catch a later flight because he waited until the last minute to book. It worked out for him because he wanted to spend time with his family before he left to come here.

My phone dinged and it was Carti letting me know he was pulling up. I smiled and jogged downstairs making my way to the door. I turned the outside lights on and opened the door seeing his black car pulling in. He cut the engine and got out grabbing a duffle bag from the back seat.

I shut the door and locked it as he walked in and he sat down his duffle bag. I practically threw myself into his arms and he picked me up and I wrapped my legs and arms around him. I had been looking forward to seeing him all week and the wait was definitely worth it. He carried me upstairs and I closed my eyes and bit down on my lip as he kissed on my collarbone and neck.

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