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Carti - Los Angeles, CA
I'm back in Cali for a few days but I was here strictly for business. Rocky needed me to work on some music with him and of course I was down. Ian and I also planned on linking up to talk about tour merch. Even though he wasn't my manager anymore I still went to him for a few things.

Iggy also wants me to come over to talk and even though I'm not excited I knew it needed to be done. I hadn't spoken to her since that night and we needed to have a real conversation after what went down at the hotel.

I got out of my car and closed the door locking it. I texted her letting her know I was here as I approached her doorstep. She opened the door a few minutes laters and I walked inside.

"We can go into the basement." She said and I followed her.

She took a seat on her sectional couch and I took a seat in one of the chairs across from her.

"You want anything to drink?" She asked.

"Nah I'm good." I slumped down in the chair.

"Okay, well I'm not here to beg for you back I just want to have an adult conversation with you." She said and I nodded.

"First and foremost I want to apologize and I know I've said this already but I really am sorry. There's no excuse to my actions what happened is what happened and I take responsibility for my actions. If we could work things out I'd love that and I know it would take time and work on my end." She placed her hands in her lap.

"Is there anything you want to say to me?" She asked.

"Not really I just came here to hear you out and see what you had to say. I'm still upset, hurt, and disappointed but it is what it is for real." I said coldly.

She nodded and sighed and I stuffed my hands in my pocket watching her fidget.

"Well there's something I need to tell you Jordan. There's a possibility that I'm pregnant." She said

"What??" I asked feeling my stomach and heart drop.

"There's a possibility that I'm pregnant Jordan. There's something going on and I'm not sure if that's what it is. I went to the doctor and they took blood so I'm waiting for the results."

"You dead ass right now? Don't just be saying this to trap me and tie me down because you don't want me to walk away." I sat up.

"Jordan why the hell would I lie to you? That's selfish and I don't know what bitches you're used to dealing with. Don't compare me to any of your ex's or hoes you fucked with." She spat.

"If it comes back that you are how do I know it's mine? It could be the other dudes baby for all I know." I folded my arms.

"Jordan I didn't sleep with him I already told you what happened." She rolled her eyes.

"You could be lying just like you lied and kept your cheating away from me."

"Whatever Jordan for the sake of both of us I hope I'm not pregnant. I know you're probably already planning on going back to Aaliyah to play house with her." She dryly chuckled.

"What the fuck is your obsession with her Am?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Me obsessed with her?? Please I could never but I know you better than you think."

"Clearly you don't because if I wanted to be with her I would've been back with her. I was loyal to you and stayed down with you."

"Whatever Jordan." She rolled her eyes.

I leaned forward and rubbed my forehead feeling frustrated and angry.

"And what the fuck you mean play house with her? I just don't get where you pull this shit out of your ass from."

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