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Carti - Los Angeles

I had a show tomorrow night here in Los Angeles so I decided to come here early to surprise Aaliyah

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I had a show tomorrow night here in Los Angeles so I decided to come here early to surprise Aaliyah. She'd been working like crazy for the past couple of weeks so we hadn't gotten the chance to talk like we usually do. I knew she had a lot on her plate lately too and she wasn't the type to show she was going through something. She always felt like she had to be the strong friend and the one that had everything together. I just wanted to make sure she knew I was somebody she could lean on and put all her weight on.

I unlocked my condos door and texted Ian and asked if he knew if Aaliyah was at her office or at her studio today but he hadn't talked to her all day. I hit her mom up too but she said she'd been trying to get ahold to her all day too.

I sighed as I turned on the shower and tapped on her contact calling her.

"Hey this is Aaliyah sorry I couldn't answer your call. Leave me a message and I'll try to get back to you soon." I was met with her voicemail.

"Hey baby it's me, I haven't heard from you all day and neither has your mom or Ian. I just wanted to see how your day is going and whatchu up to. Call me back asap I love you." I ended the call.

As I washed up I started to get worried and I hoped she was just real busy or sleep. I really hoped that she didn't go back to taking pills again either. I was worried about her being on pain medicine for her stab wound. I knew she abused that same medication and I didn't want her to relapse.

I decided not to say anything because she made a promise to me and I trusted her and knew she was strong. She didn't have a refill for the medication either so I knew once it was gone it was gone.

I got out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my waist. I picked up my phone off the counter but didn't have any missed calls or texts. I knew the best way to find out her schedule would be to contact her manager but I didn't even have her number.


I had stopped by her office building first and she wasn't there so I decided to try her studio next before going to her house. I was stuck in traffic for about an hour before I finally got there since it was rush hour.

I shut my car door and greeted the lady at the front desk. She looked like she was about to leave out of here so I decided to ask if she seen Aaliyah.

"Hey how are you doing, I was wondering if you seen Aaliyah come in here today?" I asked leaning on the desk

"Yeah she came in about an hour ago she should still be here." She smiled.

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