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D'angelo and I walked inside of the prison and since Ian was in here I already knew the regulations. I was very nervous and anxious about seeing Jay and even having this interaction with him. I knew it needed to happen and I needed answers to feel clarity.

"Everything is going to go smooth trust." D'angelo said rubbing my back.

I nodded my head and we walked into the visitation room taking a seat at a table. I started thinking about the things I planned on asking and saying. I looked up hearing the door open and seen Jay.

He was no longer the skinny Jay I last seen he had muscles and was a little swollen. He was still the giant compared to me nothing really changed. He smiled at us and took a seat across from us.

"Damn it feels good to see y'all. I know y'all came to get some answers and I'm ready to tell y'all everything." He looked down at his lap.

"Jason what happened?" I questioned.

"I'm in here for attempted murder and I hate even saying that. Aaliyah I wanted us to work out and I really got caught up. I seen how disappointed you were with me and that shit crushed me. So I went to talk to the girl and we got into it and she lied putting me in here."

"Wait what do you mean?" I asked not understanding.

"When I got there she had all these bruises on her I don't know who did it. I guess somebody found her unconscious but I didn't do it. I know it's hard to believe because of what happened between us. She lied and said I did it because she was pregnant and I didn't want to ruin what I had with you." He explained.

I rubbed my forehead and sighed trying to process everything that he was telling me. I didn't know if I believed him or not. In my heart I didn't want to think he was capable of doing it, but based on our altercation I could see it.

"So how long are you serving in here?" I asked.

"Five years and if I have good behavior I could get a few months shaven off. I know you know how that works due to your brother doing time." He said and I nodded.

"Well I have something I need to tell you and I don't know any other way to say it besides just saying it." I moved my hair out of my face.

"Y'all dating right?" He smirked.

"No we're not dating." I laughed.

"Okay then what?" He sat up.

"I was pregnant and I didn't have a chance to tell you."

"So what happened? You got an abortion?" He cut me off.

"No, before everything happened I was trying to find the right time to tell you. I also wanted to make sure I definitely was pregnant. Long story short our baby was born a month ago." I slightly smiled.

"Seriously? Like dead ass you had a baby?" He smiled.

"Yeah I brought you some pictures." I pulled them out of my jacket pocket.

"Jay she's the calmest most precious baby bro." D'angelo chimed in.

I slid him the photos and he grabbed them taking his time as he looked at each one of them. I seen a smile on his face and he looked up at us and then back down at the photos.

"She's beautiful man she looks just like me." He sniffled and wipes his eyes.

"I'ma give y'all a minute to talk I'll be outside in the car." D'angelo dapped up Jay and got up.

"So what's her name?" He smiled.

"Rayne Salem Foster, she just turned one month five days ago. She was born March sixth of this year."

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