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Carti - A week later
I hadn't seen Aaliyah in a week since I've been doing shows heavy now. She'd also been busting her ass and staying up late and getting up early. Before I headed to her place I asked her if she needed me to get anything and she sent me a list. I had been a little frustrated lately because I was so used to being around her all the time.

Even my niggas knew and started talking about me being whipped but that was nothing new. I missed her bad as hell and wished it was back to when she was on the road with me. If she could I would be dragging her around everywhere with me. On the other hand I was extremely proud of her and knew big shit was on the way to her.

I walked inside Aaliyah's house and sat the groceries she asked me to get on the counter in the kitchen. I heard music coming from the living room and made my way in there. I walked in and stopped, seeing her dancing around while she cleaned. She was in her own little world and didn't even feel nor see me standing there.

I continued to let her dance around to Butterfly Effect by Travis Scott while I admired her. She had on a big white tee, long white nike socks which were fresh, and her hair swung down her back. I slowly crept to the couch and took a seat kicking my feet up on her coffee table.

I smiled and got butterflies just looking at her in her element. I knew for the past few months she's been through a lot of shit. She was finally back in her happy space and I was thankful. Watching her be goofy and dance like nobody was watching is what made me fall in love with her. She was never afraid to be herself especially around me and I loved that about her.

She turned around and seen me on the couch and covered her face laughing. She paused the music and sat down the paper towels and bottle of windex.

"How long have you been there?" She asked smiling.

"Not too long, come sit." I smiled and patted my lap.

She sat down and wrapped her arms around my neck kissing me on my lips a few times.

"Did you get the groceries I asked for?" She asked smiling.

"Yeah they're sitting on the counter."

"Thank you baby." She smiled kissing my forehead.

I stared at her for a moment and admired her again but this time up close. She never needed any makeup she was just naturally gorgeous. Her skin was soft and her complex was bright and sweet. She didn't have to wear much of anything for me to think she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Why you staring at me?" She touched my nose and stuck her tongue out.

"Just thinking that's all." I wrapped my arms around her waist and laid my head on her chest.

"Thinking about what papa?" She wrapped her arms around me.

"How beautiful you are and how thankful I am to have you in my life. You just look so damn good today baby. You look good everyday but damn." I smiled.

"Jordan I literally have on a big ass tee shirt and socks. I have on no makeup and I haven't brushed my hair." She laughed.

"And you're perfect just like that." I said.

"What do you want from me? You being all nice and sweet what's the catch?" She laughed.

I looked up at her and grabbed her chin and she wrapped her arms around my neck again.

"I wantchu to marry me and have all my babies and make me the happiest man in the world."

She looked at me and just smiled not saying anything.

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