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Aaliyah - A week later
Carti and I were in my room getting ready for lunch with my friends because we decided to have a group trip. Of course Carti and I and Drew and Jeilani were the only couples but we still wanted to include Q and Ivy. We decided to vacation in Turks and Caicos but we had some things to discuss for the trip.

"Bae you ready?!" Carti shouted from downstairs.

"Yeah I'm coming!" I sprayed some perfume on me and then made my way downstairs.

We signed all of the papers for the house and did one last in depth walk through at the beginning of this week. Now we had to pack both houses and Carti had to get stuff from his condo moved into the new house.

It would probably be a month or two before we officially move in. I was really happy we were taking this time to relax and live stress free. I knew this is an amazing thing for us but it would be stressful.

We were going to be moving things from three homes into one. Not to mention trying to work through the move too.

"Okay I'm leaving Linda." I smiled and picked up Rayne.

"Bye baby." I kissed her cheeks and sat her back down.

"Bye bye." Rayne responded.

"Alright you guys be safe and have fun." Linda smiled.

"Thank you." I responded.

I made my way outside and Carti was leaning against the car. He walked to the passenger side and opened my door for me. I pulled out my phone and Drew and Jeilani texted me letting me know they were on their way.
After we arrived at the restaurant we placed our drink orders and started to catch up. I hadn't hung out with them as a group in so long.

"So how's the wedding planning been going Drew?" I sipped some of my mimosa.

"Good we decide on fall for the wedding but we're not sure if we want to do September or October yet. We have a few locations picked out so once we see which are best for those months we'll have a set date."

"That's exciting, I can't wait for you to send me dress ideas." I smiled.

"I have a whole pinterest board saved so I'll be sending it to you soon." She laughed.

"What about y'all, what's new with you guys?" I looked at Ivy and Q.

"Work." They both said at the same time.

We all laughed and Ivy sat her phone down on the table.

"What about you and Symere?" I asked.

"Eh were just friends he's messing with one of the city girls." She shrugged.

I looked at Carti and he shrugged and shook his head.

"No way." I sipped my drink again taking in the tea.

"So Q what's up?" I crossed my legs.

"I just been working nothing new for real." He smiled.

"Cap." Jeilani chimed in.

We all looked at Q and he smirked and sucked his teeth.

"I been messing with someone too but it's not that deep. We only been dating for like three months now."

"Only three months??" Ivy and I said in unison.

"Q that's like a long time what the hell. Who is she do we know her?" I interrogated him.

"Nah she's from Chicago her name is Kennedy. She's a model and I met her at a club out there." He sat up.

"Oohh I wanna see what she looks like." Ivy smiled.

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