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Aaliyah (Rehearsal dinner outfit in MM)
We got to our villa here in Mexico and we had a lot of time on our hands before the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night. Thankfully Rayne was still fast asleep so that gave me time to unpack and get situated.

I looked out of the window in our room and the sky looked really pretty. I knew the sun would be setting soon and I wanted to go for a walk. This would be a perfect time to go sit on the beach and watch it set.

I walked in our bathroom and Carti was putting out all of our toiletries.

"Hey let's go for a walk." I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"What about Rayne?" He asked.

"She's still sleeping but I'll have my mom watch her for a minute."

"Aight just give me a minute." He kissed me on the cheek.

I walked out of the bathroom and texted my mom asking her to watch Rayne for a minute. She replied quickly and told me to bring her to her room.

"Babe I'll be back!" I shouted.

"Aight." He shouted back.

I picked up a sleeping Rayne and kissed her on her cheeks. I opened the door and made sure I had my key. I walked down the hallway a little bit until I reached my moms room. I knocked on her door and she opened it in her robe.

"Wow she's still sleeping huh." She smiled letting me in.

"Yeah I made sure I tired her out before the flight. She also hasn't really been sleeping that well these days."

"Do you think she has insomnia or something?" She asked.

"I don't know she has a doctors appointment when we get back home. I'll talk to the doctor about it and see what she says." I laid Rayne on the bed.

"What time do you want me back to get her?" I asked.

"Take your time I wanna spend some time with Rayne." She smiled.

"Okay mommy I love you thank you." I smiled and kissed her.

"You two be safe out there." She said as I leaned down and kissed Rayne.

"Okay mommy." I waved and walked out.

I walked back to my room and laid on the bed waiting for Carti. I closed my eyes and laid my head on my arms getting comfortable. I felt the side of the bed behind me lower and felt his arms wrap around me.

"You still wanna go out or you too tired?" He asked kissing my neck.

"No I'm ready when you are." I smiled.

We stood up and I slipped on my sandals and grabbed my phone. We walked out of our room and started making our way towards the beach. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him as we walked in silence.

"Do you remember when you brought me here for Valentine's day?" I asked.

"Of course, how could I forget?" He smiled.

"That vacation was so perfect just everything about it. I wish I could go back and relive that over and over again."

"Waking up to you is something I'm glad I get to experience over again." He smiled.

"Aww Carter." I smiled at him.

We walked down to the beach and I laid down the blanket I brought and we took a seat. He sat down first and motioned for me to sit in between his legs. I sat down and he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on my cheek.

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