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"So how was your date?" I asked D'angelo while he played with Rayne.

"It was good it wasn't our first though. I'm really feeling shorty like a lot." He said smiling.

"That's really good D, can I see a picture of her?"

"Yeah I gotchu, how was your date though?" He smiled giving me a slick look.

"It wasn't a date it was just dinner that's it that's all." I smiled.

"Just dinner with your ex?" He asked.

"Yeah we can't do that or something?" I laughed.

"Nah nah I'm not saying that I'm just saying. Did you enjoy yourself at least?"

"Yeah I did actually it was really nice. After dinner we went to a park and talked it felt like old times. Like the good old times before everything got complicated."

"You miss him?" He asked.

"Yeah I miss his company but as far as my feelings go for him it's...complicated."

"So you still have feelings for him?"

"I don't know it's like I can feel myself falling again but I'm fighting it. I feel like it's wrong or I shouldn't be. A part of me feels like I should try to work something out with Jay for Raynes sake. At the same time I feel like I should just focus on being a mom and a business woman and not think about my feelings."

"At the end of the day you need to start putting yourself first. Whether you and Jay are together or not he's still going to be her father. In the long run who do you think will make you the happiest?"

"I don't have an answer for you nor myself yet." I chuckled.

"That's okay but don't do anything that won't make you happy. Have you spoken to Jay recently?"

"A few times, have you?"

"Yeah so you know then right?" He smiled.

"Know what?" I asked confused.

"So he has to serve a year and six months to become eligible for parole which is in November. If he goes to the hearing and they grant it to him he can spend the rest of his sentence on parole."

"Oh really? He hasn't mentioned anything like that to me." I said in a shocked tone.

"Yeah, how do you feel about that?"

"He deserves to be out for something he didn't do. I just wish he would communicate with me more. No offense but I feel like I should be the first one to know anything." I grabbed Rayne from him.

"Nah I agree with you especially because Rayne is involved." He agreed.

"Exactly, and I don't think he's thinking about what's going to happen after he gets out."

"Whatchu mean?" He asked.

"He's his own boss so having a job isn't a problem but are people going to want to hire him? I don't know what money he has set aside but where is he going to be living?"

"Yeah that's true maybe I can talk to him about all that. If he asked would you let him stay here with you?" He inquired.

"Hmm I don't know about all that."

"I mean he is Rayne's father." He stated.

"Yeah but this is my house and my personal space. If he would've never cheated he wouldn't have gotten himself in that predicament. I dealt with abuse from a man once in my own home and I'll be damned if I go through that again. I got shit to lose now and feeling unsafe in my own home isn't an option."
I sat in the visitation room waiting for Jay to be brought in and I had a lot on my mind. I'm here for business again but I decided to set up a visit with him. There's a few things we need to talk about especially after the conversation D'angelo and I had.

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