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I've never considered myself an outcast. I just don't like talking to people, I like to keep to myself. People call me shy and reserved but I'm okay with that I do my work get good grades and follow my parent's rules. I've never broken any rules and I don't intend to. I want to make my parents proud, so I decided to major in business since I'll be taking over my father's company when I'm older.

I don't really enjoy the business module, I'd much rather do photography, however, my parents, mostly my mother is not too particularly keen about my major being photography. So I had to focus on business. All my subjects in high school were business-related and I passed all of them. I guess you could say I'm gifted. 

My mother 'knows best', which she constantly tells me, I want to make her proud. Unlike my twin brother Cayden. My Mother calls him a disappointment, he's the opposite of me. He smokes, drinks, and brings home random girls.

My parents aren't as strict with him as they are with me, well my mother, she lets him do whatever he wants, but when it's with me I have to follow set rules, given by her. Cayden doesn't like me, He can't tolerate being in the same room with me. He always looks at me with disgust and anger. Regardless of how he's with me I still love him, he's my only brother and I'd hate to lose him. I don't know what happened, that made him change but we were closer when we were younger.

"Brother let's go play," Cayden said to Ciel, Cayden began dragging him by his small hands pulling him outside to the playground

"Here you take this" He handed Ciel the small car, and they began playing together in the sun. Until their mother called them in for dinner. Both boys ate their dinner they retired to bed. The two boys were fairly close they slept in the same bed. They were always together where you see one you're bound to see the other they were hip joined. They lay beside each other on the bed.

"Ciel when we get older we'll move out together, we'll always be together okay as your big brother I'll protect you so if anyone tries to bully you tell me okay," Cayden said, as he squeezed his brother's hand tightly, then kissed him on his forehead. Ciel yawned tiredly and nods his head.

Ironically Cayden turned out to be the bully.

"Dear, where are you, my darling boy?"My mother asked, from the living room.

"I'll be down in a second, Mother," I replied, as I walked down the stairs.

Cayden bumped into me as he walked past me, I almost lost my balance, luckily I held onto the staircase.

"Morning brother," I said, giving him a soft smile.

"Tch" He replied, he whipped his head around and sneered at me. "Don't call me that." He replied as he walked away.

I flinched at the look he gave me and looked down at my shoes. I swallowed and continued walking down the stairs.

"Mother, you called?" I asked.

"Today's your first day at Harvard aren't you excited, my baby is finally going to college, oh I'm gonna miss you dearly." she gushed as she smothered my face giving me tiny kisses.

"Have you packed yet?" She asked.

"Yes, mother," I replied.

"Jonathon" She called our butler, "Go get Ciel's bag and bring it to the car."

"Yes, Ma lady." our butler Jonathon replied.

"Is Cayden going to be driving with us, mother?" I asked.

"Don't worry about him darling, your father is giving him a talk before he leaves." she sighed.

I am kind of excited about College, I will miss my parents, but I want my privacy. Being with my mother 24/7 is exhausting, and mentally draining. Although Cayden and I will be staying in the same apartment, so technically I won't be on my own. I'm anxious about just the both of us staying together in an apartment.

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