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Ciel POV

After what happened a while ago I sat in the car for a while, I touched my lip, I could still taste her on me, her sweet cocoa butter and almond scent filled my car. I rested my head on the driving wheels, trying to recollect my thoughts. She kissed me. I kissed her back. We were kissing. I touched her- I stopped myself feeling my cheeks getting hot. I then started the car and drove off. After I make it home, I went straight to my room and lie down. I kept touching my lip to see if that really happened. A smile made its way on my lip, I took out my phone going to her number. This was new to me these feelings I was intrigued I wanted more. I want to touch her again. I want to feel her lips on mine. My thoughts pondered, I accidentally called, I heard it ringing I was about to hang up but I heard her sweet voice.


I held my breath, I didn't speak I was too nervous what should I say I thought.

'''Who's this?'' she asked.

I then remembered I didn't ask her for her number, would she think it's weird I got her number without asking her. I took her number from her phone when she was over and was asleep. I hung up quickly then exhaled. I'm gonna have to get a new phone.

I got up and took a shower, My manhood ache for some time of release. I turned the water on cold, refraining on such activities. After I exited the shower I went to bed, tomorrows Friday I thought our birthday is Saturday. We're supposed to go home this weekend to celebrate with the family, I doubt Cayden will join us. For the first time, I didn't want to go home I want to see her I thought, as I fell asleep with a certain dark-skin beauty on my mind.

I woke up and went to the bathroom to get ready for class after I brushed my teeth and showered I went downstairs. I walked over to the kitchen and took out the bread garlic and cheese and made garlic cheese toast and green tea. I made extra just in case he wants some. I sat down on the stool and began eating breakfast. I saw him walking down the stairs.

''There's breakfast in the microwave'' I said silently, getting ignored as usual. He went straight to the fridge taking out the orange juice. I drank my tea and got up ready to leave.

''Remember we're supposed to go home this weekend'' I reminded him, then left.

As I parked in the parking lot at the college, I saw her, instantly a smile was on my face, then it turned into a frown, I saw that guy who she was with, with her, I scowled. He kissed her on her cheek and she rolled her eyes. I turned off the engine and exited the car, I went to class.

After class, I went to the food court as I had a free period. I ordered my food and began eating.

''Boo'' a voice said.

I turned around and her lips almost touched mine. ''Akira'' I said.

''Scared you?'' She asked as she took one of my fries.

''I'm not 5 Akira'' I replied, with a blank face.

''The fuck wrong with you'' she asked, sitting in front of me.

''Isn't Omar looking for you'' I asked, I didn't wanna seem like the jealous type because she is her own person we are not together I don't get a say in who she kisses or engage in sexual acts with as much as it annoys me for some reason.

She then laughed, as she looked at me, ''Is this what this is about Omar?'' She questioned. ''Bruh Omar and I are not together''. she replied.

I played with my food around my plate, ''then why did he kiss you on your cheek'' I asked, annoyingly.

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