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I pulled up to my parent's mansion, I entered the code and I drove in. I entered the house, using the code.

''Master Ciel welcome home'' Jonathan our butler said.

''Thank you, Jonathan.'' I replied, ''Where is my mother?'' I asked, as he took my bag. She would be the first one to greet me.

''Oh, The Mrs went shopping earlier, she'll be back in a few minutes, it's been 2 hours since she left.'' He replied.

''Oh, and my father?'' I asked.

''The Master is at the office'' He replied, sadly.

My father is a workaholic he's missed almost all our birthdays because of work, he even forgot mom and his anniversary twice. I went up the stairs opening my bedroom door, everything was in the same place, it's like I never left, I lay on my bed.

My phone began ringing. I took it up looking at the ID Akira I mumbled I answered.

''Hello'' I said

''Its Akira, I took your number from your phone I totally forgot to get your number'' She said. 'Did you reach safely?'' She asked.

''Yeah I forgot how quiet this house was'' I blurted out.

''Want me to keep your company?'' She asked.

''Yeah'' I said, thank god she couldn't see my face because knew my face was red, I looked at the above the bed seeing my red cheeks.

''Hello?'' I said, after their was a minute of silence. I heard the phone ringing again this time it was Facetime. I dropped the phone on the bed. I took a deep breathe then answered.

''HEY'' She shouted, smiling. I caught myself staring at her. So beautiful.

''Hi'' I replied softly.

We spent like one and a half hours talking on the phone I found out that she loves seafood and she hates liars and a few more things.

I heard my mom knocking on the door. ''I have to go now'' I said to her.

''Bye remember Sunday'' She said, smiling, then she hung up.

''Ciel'' My mom said, hugging me, ''My baby, how are you?'' She said.

''Mom it's only been like a month'' I confessed.

''Really it feels like it's been a year'' She said.

''Did your brother not come?'' She questioned.

I shook my head ''No''

Her expression changed, she looked sad, so I changed to subject I hated seeing my mother sad, ''He'll be here tomorrow though'' I lied.

Her expression lit up and she smiled warmly at me, ''Dinner will be in a few, you remember Helena, your childhood friend, you guys use to be inseparable, her family is coming over for dinner today, dress presentable'' She said, placing a kiss on my cheek, then she left my room.

I exhaled and checked my phone, looking at the picture of Akira I took when she was asleep. I couldn't help it, I was draw to her. I want to be with her, I love her company, the way she smiles the way her eyes lit up when she's talking about her passion I wanna get to know her even more.

I got up and took a shower, I got dress wearing a blazer jacket and pants, and shoes. I sent a text to Kira telling her I'm having dinner with my family. Kira I thought did I just shorten her name. I smiled to myself.  She sent a picture with her pouting, saying she'd hungry now.

I went downstairs, my mother as already seated, surprisingly my father was also here. Helena, her mother and father was also seated Mr and Mrs Bonavich. Helena looked behind me as if she was expecting someone else. Jonathan was about to pull out my chair, for me but I shook my head at him. I went over to my mother and place a kiss on her cheek. ''Mother'' I said softly. ''Father'' I said to him nodding. ''Helena, Mr and Mrs '' I greeted them. Then I pulled out my chair and sat down.

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