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Okay so let me take a moment to explain things. As you know EchoSquadron and I have a shared universe. So our cast is bound to run into one another at some point. When those events happen we will each release a chapter depicting the events from our respective characters. With that being said this is first of one of those chapters.

Y/N's POV:

I sit in the briefing room with my team as we listen to the Lieutenant brief us on recently recovered intel.

Lt: Now how many of you are familiar with the planet of Kashyyyk?

We all raise our hands.

Lt: Now I'm sure aware of the Mandalorian on that planet that freed some Wookiee's right?

We all drop our hands.

Lt: Well we have confirmed intel that a Mandalorian has been the cause of the Wookiee's sudden freedom. Unfortunately he messed with the greatest fighting force in the galaxy.

He points to a holographic map.

Lt: This here is their home-base. Command wants us to mobilize at 0600 and capture the target. We are unsure if they have a fighting force of any kind. So be on your toes troops.

I raise my hand.

Lt: Knox.


Y/N: Sir wouldn't us having this intel make us a target for this Mandalorian.

Lt: It does. But this is a heavily guarded outpost. No ones getting into here.

Y/N: Roger that sir.

Lt: Any questions?

Jane: Whats our security detail going to look like?

Lt: I want teams of 4 on patrol at all times.

Jane: Copy that sir.

Lt: Anything else?

No one raises their hand.

Lt: Dismissed.

And so we all get up. I make a B line for the cafeteria and sit my ass down. I'm joined by Zero, Jane, and Doc.

Doc: You know there's healthier options right?

Y/N: Well yeah but they taste like bricks.

Jane: Eat up we've got patrol duty after Natalie's group.

Zero: Boy oh boy do I hope we get some action.

Y/N: Zero the fumes are talking again.

He lightly hits my shoulder and we all laugh it off. After we finish eating we throw on our helmets and start walking around the base making sure nothing too crazy is happening.

Y/N: So what're you guys going to do when we rotate back to the home front?

Doc: I've got a kid back home counting down the days till I take him to out to have a fun day.

Jane: You have a kid?

Doc: Yeah?

Zero: I'm going to....

He spaces out and and I knock on his helmet.

Zero: I'm okay!

Y/N: Right...

Jane: I think I'll take a small trip to a tropical planet and have some R&R.

Zero: What about you Knox?

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