Numbers and Soldiers

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Leeetttsss goooooo

Y/N's POV:

We stare at the man in armor who has his hands resting on his sides where there are duel pistols holstered.

Y/N: Stand down!

Natalie: Sir stand down!

Jane: Wait...isn't that a clone trooper?

Sid: Look at his armor.

We all take notice of the red on his armor. His helmet being different completely. He holds this stance of authority and the air becomes harder to breathe.

Y/N: Everyone stand down!

Natalie: What?

Y/N: He's a soldier just like us. We owe him a great deal of respect. Guys lower your weapons.

Everyone looks at each other confused before lowering their blasters. We each hold ours ready for use but non the less they are lowered.

Natalie: How do we play this?

Jane: We talk to him obviously. C'mon.

The three of us walk towards him and I see he has this calm relaxed posture. We stop a respectful distance away.

Natalie: Our apologies for pointing out guns towards you sir.

Jane: We didn't realize you were a trooper for a moment.

Jane holds her hand out to shake his. He looks at her before doing so.

Jane: I'm Pvt. Jane Reyes.

Natalie: Pvt. Natalie Portman.

Y/N: And I'm Pvt. Y/N L/N.

Natalie: We call him Knox.

???: Frost. Captain Frost.

The news shakes me to my core. A clone captain? Those guys were some of the best. And judging by his armor he was what they called an Ark Trooper.

Y/N: It's an honor to meet you sir.

Frost: I'm only going to say this once.

We listen closely.

Frost: Leave.

We take a step back confused.

Jane: I'm afraid we don't understand sir.

He takes a step towards us. And then my head starts turning.

Y/N: You said you were Captain Frost?

Frost: I did.

Y/N:....What legion did you serve.

He puts his finger on my chest piece where I have the number 607 on it.

Frost: The 607th. The Red Legion.

Jane and Natalie instantly pick up on who he is.

Jane: Your the traitor!

Natalie: The one who killed his own men!

We take another step back and ready our blasters.

Frost: I did. And I live with their names and cries echoing in my head every day.

Y/N: Why did you do it?

By this point our blasters are raised.

Frost: I fought for what I believed was right. I'm sure you all know the feeling.

We do. We are all fighting for what we believe is right.

Y/N: Turn around and interlock your fingers. You are under arrest.

Frost: Thats not going to happen.

Suddenly we hear the crack of Ace's sniper go off and we see Frost move his head aside as the laser sails by.

Frost: Fine then, have it your way.

He quickly whips out his pistols and fires two shots. They each hit Natalie in the thigh. Before we can react he then kicks me backwards and blasts Jane I the shoulder.

Sid: Open Fire!

A hail of red fire erupts from our trucks but Frost grabs one of our shields and uses it for cover. He then sprints towards Bruce who's manning one of our MG's and throws the shield at him. He then skillfully dodges the shots before shooting at Sid and Ethan nailing both of them in their chest pieces.

Brock: Oh shit!

Brock hefts his LMG to try and spray Frost down but Frost jumps off the truck and kicks the gun away from Brock before slamming his head into the side of the truck.

Doc: Brock!

He quickly grabs Doc and throws him at Alex and before Alex can get up Frost quickly shoot his gun at Alex's gun disabling it.

Y/N: Guys!

I get up off the ground and fire at Frost who rolls away from my shots. He then comes out of cover and fires back with his pistols. I duck behind cover and fire back.

Frost: I really don't want to kill you!

Y/N: You shot my friends!

Frost: They'll live.

He holsters his blasters and fires this grappling hook from his wrist and gets above me with it. He then drops down on me we begin to wrestle on the ground.

Y/N: Grah get off!

I shift our bodies and kick myself away from him. I then stand up and he does as well. I charge him and throw a punch. He grabs my fist and forearm and in one fluid motion throws me over his shoulder and onto the ground. As I try to get up he gets behind me and wraps his grappling hook around my neck and begins to choke me out.

Frost: Thats enough.

I fight to stay alive and end up falling forward. Somehow someway a picture of my dead girl friend slips out of my hard case. We both notice it. I take in her blonder hair, and blue eyes. I can feel Frosts grip loosen as he lets me go. He picks up the picture and examines it.

Frost: Valk...

I hold my throat as I take the picture from him.

Y/N: Who?

Frost: Nothing. Who was that.

I slip the picture back into my hard case.

Y/N: She was my girlfriend sir. Until those damn rebels blew her to hell.

I can see him shift a little.

Frost: Why do you fight.

Y/N: I fight because I hate those damn rebels. Nothing but a bunch of terrorists.

Frost: Everyone has their reasons to do what they do. I had mine. You have yours.

He turns to leave.

Frost: I suggest you get everyone out of here.

He walks away and I call out to him.

Y/N: Just what are you?!

He stops and turns his head to me.

Frost: I'm just another number.

He then continues his walk. It dawns on me that we aren't all to different. We are both just soldiers fighting our own battles. I take off my helmet and turn it in my hands. I stare into its black eyes.

Y/N: We all have our reasons.

I put it back on and go to assist my team in loading them up and getting them back to base. And a thought dawns on me as we drive back.

I'm just a soldier.

Aaaand scene

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