Earned through blood

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Leeeez gooooo

Y/N's POV:

We've been stuck in this god forsaken trench for about a week now. Every night those damn rebels come out from their trenches and attack us. They've attacked us about 8-9 times at this point. And each time we've managed to push them back. I lean against dirt walls of the trench and rub the sleep out of my eyes.

Ethan: How you doing boss?

Y/N: I'm doing fan fucking tastic.

Rain begins to fall from the sky and the dirt is turned to mud. I shiver from the cold.

Y/N: Fucking hell. Any word on our reinforcements?

Ethan: No I'll get back to you on that sir.

He walks away towards our makeshift comm station. Jane walks up next to me and takes my hand as we watch the enemy trench.

Jane: Well isn't this lovely?

Y/N: Not exactly how I pictured this whole assault going. Haven't heard anything from the other battalions. How're we looking on numbers?

Jane: About 125 able bodied troopers.

Doc runs past us with blood on his hands. Poor bastard has been at it for hours now trying to save as many lives as he can. Don't think I've seen him stop to rest.

My stomach growls and rumbles violently. We haven't had the luxury of having a stable source of food. We've had to ration out everything, at this rate we'll starve before the reinforcements get here.

We have to do something, anything.

Ace: I got movement.

I hear the crack of Ace's rifle and across the destroyed field a rebel drops to the ground dead.

Y/N: Brock how much longer till dark?

Brock: About 2 hours sir.

Y/N: Alright then.

Through all the fighting all of the higher ranking soldiers were killed attempting to attack the enemy. That unfortunately left me as the highest ranking soldier here, thus putting everyone's lives under my command. Their lives rest on my shoulders and it's almost crushing whenever I stop to think about it.

Y/N: Natalie get me a map of the area. Bruce and Brock I need you two to switch with Ace. Ace I need you with me, we're about to plan some shit.

Bruce: Copy.

Brock: On it.

Ace: Coming.

And so Ace and I stare at a map. Ace has been scouting the area to the best of his ability and he begins to point out certain enemy positions. Such as their mortars, comms, MG nests and so on. I take a marker to the map and begin to draw out a route.

Y/N: This has to work...no it will work.

I walk out into the trench and gather up all of my troops.

Y/N: Alright listen up. Reinforcements aren't getting here any time soon. We're practically out of food. And right now our only chance at survival is killing the enemy across from us. Know this our enemy is battle hardened and experienced. But I believe our will is stronger than theirs. And I've got a plan.

Murmurs break out amongst the troops.

Y/N: I'm going to need 9 people to go with Ace. You 10 will be flanking the enemies right side and taking care of their comms, then their artillery.

9 people raise their hands.

Ace: Your with me then.

Y/N: Wait for our signal.

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