Hold The Border

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Leeezzzz gooooo

Y/N's POV:

I stare at the holomap with my battalion gathered around. We're joined by 45th armored division and 789th infantry. We don't have that much time.

Y/N: Alright listen up. We're pressed for time so I'm only going to say this once.

Everyone stops talking and turns their attention to me. Here I go again trying to plan something that'll get us out of here alive. But i can already tell what's to come in the following hours.

Y/N: I want a quarter of the 45th to form a ring here.

I draw a circle around the hangar of the capital.

Y/N: Your job is to act as artillery. It's a long shot but the more damage we can get upfront the better our odds are. You will also be the very last line of fucking defense should the other two lines fall.

I draw a line in front of the ring.

Y/N: I want the 789th all over here. Nothing can get past you. The a quarter of the 45th will be apart of this line. The rest of the 45th will be...

I circle three bridges.

Y/N: Here, here and here. Your going to blow those bridges. We have to stall for as long as possible on the front.

I then draw a large line that is in front of the bridges.

Y/N: Meanwhile the 607th will be split into three groups. Each with 40 people. Corporal Jane will take the left Valkyrie bridge. Sergeant Sandman will take the right Imperial bridge. And I will hold the middle Glade bridge.

Jane and Sandman look to me and nod. I continue on.

Y/N: Our objective is to buy the civilians enough time to be evacuated.

Sandman: And your orders for the front.

Y/N: Hold out for as long as possible. If it gets to be too much then fall back.

Jane: Copy that sir.

Y/N: Alright you know what needs to be done. Move out!

And my men begin to fallout. I grab Jane's arm and she turns to me.

Y/N: You stay safe. I will not bury you.

Jane: I can say the same to you. Don't be too reckless.

I nod my head.

Y/N: I'll see you when this done.

I pull her into a tight hug and sigh. I then let go and jog off to my part of the line. With me is Doc, Brock, Ace, Evelyn and Natalie.

We make it to our spot and start setting up our defenses. We drag sheets of metal, tables, sandbags basically anything we could get our hands on. Our armor rolls in.

Ace: Boss.

Y/N: What've you got for me?

Ace: Movement. Lots of it.

Y/N: Alright. All front line units blow the bridges now.

Our armor divisions make short work of the bridges halting the advancing rebels.

Y/N: All snipers start picking these fuckers off. Thin them out. Armor units start blasting them to hell.

My men begin to fire upon the rebels who at first get caught with their pants down. They suffer heavy casualties before they start deploying amphibious landing gear.

Y/N: Fucking shit.

Jane: Are you guys getting some type of landing craft too?

Sandman: We do...eyes up I'm seeing enemy aircraft.

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