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Leeeeezzzzz gooooooo

I sit in the barracks and finish cleaning my blaster. My mind thinks back to the times I've brushed shoulders with death. My body is sore and tired from the times I've been shot. This very armor protects me and keeps me alive. But that doesn't mean those blasters don't hurt. There's only so much our armor can take before we get internal bleeding and die. But lightsabers? Hell no those would instantly kill us.

Ethan: Hey man.

I look over my shoulder.

Y/N: Oh hey Ethan, what's up?

Ethan: Outpost Bravo is getting hit hard right now. They need backup.

I stand up.

Y/N: Let's roll.

Ethan: C'mon the others are waiting.

We jog out of the barracks and see the rest of our squad already in trucks and ready to go. I hop into one and man the gun. In my truck is Ethan, Bruce, Brock, and Ace. We then take off and bring up the rear of our trucks.

Ace: We're expected to reach the base in ten.

Brock: Any word on what we're looking for?

Ace: Rebels are dressed as civilians and acting as spotters. They have mortar fire coming from behind the hill. There is also civilians stepping out and trying to assist the rebels.

Bruce: Man these people do not let up do they?

Ethan: Appears so. Anything else?

Ace: We can't tell how many rebels there are. They blend in with the civilian populous.

Y/N: Shit. Okay base is coming into view, what're we doing?

Ace: We're going after the mortar crew. Everyone else is going to different areas to assist.

Y/N: Copy that.

Our trucks split off and we start barreling towards the hill with rebel artillery. We're met with a small group tasked with defending the artillery.

Y/N: Hold still you fuckers!

I mow them down with the mounted machine gun before they can even get a shot off.

Ethan: Nice shooting!

We make it up the hill and take the mortar crews by surprise. Brock and Bruce step out and let loose a flood of blaster fire from their LMG's while I mow down any stragglers.

Brock: Hill secured!

Y/N: Ace step out and set up on the high ground.

Ace nods and gets out with his sniper. He lays prone and begins picking off targets.

Y/N: Bruce work the mortar, Ace call out targets for Bruce.

Ace: Copy.

Bruce: On it!

He runs and Ace tells him a coordinate. Bruce then uses the enemy artillery to blow a sniper crew to hell.

Y/N: Brock your providing security for them.

Brock: Understood.

Y/N: Ethan with me, we're flanking these fuckers.

Ethan: I'll get the wheel.

He gets into the drivers seat and we take off. We drive behind enemy lines and stop behind a crew of rebels.

Y/N: I'm not gonna say it again. Lay down your arms.

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