Rescue Op

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Leeezzz goooo still feeling liiiike shit

Y/N's POV:

We ride through the desert while the twins tell me a story of 5 red clones and a Jedi general.

Jäckel: Uncle Jet was the first to go of the team. He jumped on top of a grenade to shield our father from the blast.

Y/N: CT 47891 or Jet. Yeah I heard of him, if memory serves me right there's a memorial dedicated to him and fellow clones on Tamuta.

Ikil: It was an honorable act. From what our mother told us Jet was a kind man.

Jäckel: And a damn good one.

Man huh?

Y/N: So I take it you don't view the clones as just numbers?

Ikil: Of course. They were men not just numbers.

Jäckel: Beg to differ?

Y/N: No not at all. I agree completely.

Ikil: Then there was Tank. He died buying time for his brothers to escape on Gastro. Mom said he was a strong man.

Jäckel: He used a mini gun and had one of the higher kill counts for that weapon.

Y/N: He sounds like one tough son of a bitch.

Ikil: Yeah, took the droids awhile to bring him down.

Jäckel: Now Jaeger was something else. He was a combat medic and mom talked about being able to sense his misery.

Ikil: Poor bastard held countless men as they died in his arms.

I nod my head.

Y/N: It's gotta be one of the hardest jobs in the military. Being unable to save your brother as they bleed out in your arms will fuck with you.

Jäckel: Indeed. But mom wouldn't have made it as far as she did without the help of her commander.

Ikil: Glade. From what she's told us he was one bad mother fucker. He served by her side as a captain initially before they were both promoted. He also went toe to toe with an evil man.

I can just feel the negative energy emit from the twins. Jäckel's hands tighten on his speeder.

Jäckel: He refused to follow through with order 66. Him and our father fought and killed their own brothers to save our mother.

Y/N: Commander Glade, yeah I've heard of him. His body was never recovered from the explosion he was in.

They look at me before looking at each other.

Jäckel: What was the official ruling on his fate?

Y/N: MIA. But I doubt he could've survived the blast.

Ikil: Maybe.

Y/N: And your father, Captain Frost right?

Jäckel: Yeah that's him. His first battle was on Geonosis where soon after he was promoted to corporal.

Ikil: He then went on to serve on Kerell.

Y/N: That's my home-world. We have a bridge dedicated to that battle.

Jäckel: Anyway he was made into an Arc Trooper then a Captain. He remained a captain for the rest of the war and fought valiantly. He even killed Revenant's uncle in an arena.

Ikil: And that asshole Oblivion.

Y/N: On Kashyyyk right?

Jäckel: Yeah. Then when the order went down he helped our mom escape to Mandalore. He's been in hiding ever since.

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