Rebel Blockade

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Leeeezzz gooooo

Y/N's POV:

I wake up in my rack sore and tired. I rub the sleep out of my eyes. I then pull myself off of my rack and dawn my armor before walking out into our FOB.

We've been stuck here for about a week now. The rebels set up a blockade of sorts and have been sending down patrols to find us.

Our food is starting to run low and we're running out of time on this hellhole. Our comms are being jammed so we can't signal for reinforcements.

I look around the small base and see troopers switching off guard posts. Their heads hang low to the ground as they know death awaits them.

Jane: Morning Knox.

I look to my left and see Jane standing next to me. She adjusts her chest piece before nodding in satisfaction. I smile a bit under my helmet.

Y/N: Morning. Any word on Zero's scouting party?

Jane: Tyler said he hasn't heard from them yet.

Y/N: Ace and Evelyn's?

Jane: They as well haven't checked in.

Y/N: I'm sure they're okay. C'mon let's go check in with everyone.

We walk around the base and find Sandman ordering troops to do things that would help keep us alive for a little bit longer. He's really stepped up, to my knowledge he was the one who lead the way to find me.

Y/N: Sandman.

He stops and salutes before returning to a relaxed position.

Sandman: Sergeant we spotted Rebels a few miles out on those dunes over there.

He points to some sandy dunes and I nod.

Y/N: So they found us. Fucking great.

Suddenly Tyler comes running up to us.

Tyler: Sir Zero radioed in. They found something that might help us.

We jog over to the comm station and I speak into the microphone.

Y/N: Zero what've you got for me buddy?

Zero: Haha sir we found some clone war era gunships about 25 miles east of the base!

Y/N: Gunships? How many?

Zero: About 15 sir. And some fighter space craft.

How did those even get here?

Y/N: Are they functional?

Zero: With some slight repair we could get these babies up and moving soon.

I nod and a plan begins to formulate in my head as I look up to the sky.

Y/N: Solid copy. I'm going to send whoever knows a thing or two about space craft repair your way.

Zero: Haha this outta be fun sir.

The comms switch off and then I hear Ace's voice.

Ace: Tyler do you read me?

Y/N: This is Knox, we read you loud and clear Ace.

Ace: Sir we have eyes on a large rebel force.

Y/N: How big are we talking here?

Ace: I want to say around 150-200 men sir.

Evelyn: That's a lot of movement.

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