Get Out Alive

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Llleeezzz goooo

Y/N's POV:

Y/N: Open fire!

A hail of blaster fire erupts from our group. The bolts slam into the ghouls as they drop to the ground dead. But it's not enough.

The Mandalorian steps forward walking towards the ghouls.

Y/N: Are you crazy?! They'll tear you apart.

Jenna: Can it buckethead!

Suddenly the Mandalorian produces two hilts. From the hilts spring two blades that cut the darkness. One green and stable, one red and unstable.

Doc: Another one?

Frost: We need to start pulling back!

The Mandalorian stands firm and cuts down ghoul after ghoul. But for every one ghoul he kills, three more charge to take its place.

Y/N: Doc grab Slip!

Doc picks up the pilot and sets him onto his shoulders. Slip raises his blaster and fires at the ghouls.

We start to sprint down the halls of the sewers with the ghouls fresh on our heels. I find myself in the rear with Frost and the Mandalorian.

A ghoul pounces onto the Mandalorian's back dragging him to the ground. I quickly turn and shoot the ghoul before kicking its body off of him.

The Mandalorian nods at me and we keep going. A ghoul leaps at me from the side and whirl around with me knife and stab it in its neck.

The Mandalorian withdrawals his blades before turning to the horde. He extends his hands as red lighting fills the sewers.

Y/N: The hell?

Frost: Best not to question it kid, keep moving!

Frost blasts two ghouls in the head before kicking one backwards and blasting it.

We keep sprinting with no real destination in mind. Just the urge to not be overwhelmed by the approaching ghouls.

My heart hammers against my ribs. My throat burns from the seemingly never ending running. My legs threaten to give out. But I have to go on, I have to get Doc out of here. I have to see my men. And I have to make it Jane.

Mandalorian: Hex we need an exit!

He ignites the green lightsaber before turning and slashing a pouncing ghoul. He thrusts his palm forward pushing the ghouls backwards but they recover quickly.

Hex: Working on it!

We turn a corner and find a tunnel of light. The way out.

Jenna: There we go!

Y/N: We're almost out of here!

Frost: Yeah and these damn things are on our ass!

We sprint towards the light only to find that freedom is blocked by prison like bars. The bars entrap us with the beasts that seek our heads.

Mandalorian: Hex and Nagkazza take care of those bars! We'll buy you time!

Y/N: Doc put Slip down and hold your fucking trigger! Do not let them get closer!

Doc sets Slip down and we begin firing at the ghouls. Frost fires his pistols expertly dropping the enemy with every pull of the trigger. Jenna joins us and fires her blaster. The Mandalorian extends his arm and a column of orange fire springs out scorching some ghouls.

Frost: How we looking over there?!

Hex: We got the first bar off! Moving to the next!

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