Explosive Violence

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Leeeezzz gooooooo also as I write this it's currently the Bismarck's birthday so happy birthday Bismarck let's blow up more Rebels.

Y/N's POV:

Slip: Enemy armor!

Brock: Dear fucking god they have an AT-AT!

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Brock: Dear fucking god they have an AT-AT!

It's head turns towards us and fires it's main turrets. The impact shakes our cover.

I peak out and still see Doc dragging our men away from the beast.

Y/N: Slip tell me you guys can deal with that thing!

Slip: We don't have the firepower for that sir.

Hexe: But we do.

Y/N: Tyler start calling in some fucking air support. Bruce get some fucking smoke out here so we can fuck with that things vision.

The enemy ground troops charge down the beach towards us firing their rifles and lowering their bayonets.

Y/N: Everyone else show them why you don't bring a knife to a blaster fight!

We begin firing at the enemy as the AT-AT continues to slowly push towards us. The ground trembles with each step it takes.

Hexe: Night-witches inbound sir. Watch your heads.

From the sky a whistling sound falls towards the beach. An object crashes into the AT-AT and an explosion goes off.

Slip: Commencing firing run on the legs.

I watch as the 82nd flies low and fires their main cannons at the walkers legs before pulling off to the sides.

The ground forces continue to get closer and closer. Their roar grows louder and louder. In the crowd I see a familiar woodland camouflage asshole.

Y/N: Heads up enemies have a bounty hunter!

Sandman: I see him.

Sandman lays down an ocean of fire from his mini gun dropping 10 enemies.

Ace: Sir your not going to like this.

The AT-AT continues to get bombarded by explosives from the Night-witches while the 82nd does what they can to thin out the oncoming flood of blades.

Y/N: Hit me.

Evelyn: Seems that hunter isn't alone. I see two more in similar armor.

I scan the battlefield from left to right until my eyes land upon the twins that saved my ass from Revenant.

Jäckel and Ikil, the children of Captain Frost. The children of ice.

Y/N: Fucking hell.

I fire my blaster at a soldier that manages to get too close. They're practically on top of us at this point.

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