Nightlight Firefight

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Leeeeeezzzz gooo bois. Man Disney should hire me to make shows or movies based on this shit.

Y/N's POV:

I sit in an armored truck with Natalie, Jane, Bruce, and Sid on the gun. Today we're to provide security for a convoy carrying food, water, and weapons to another base on Kronos. It's a long drive and we have to keep our speed low to match the convoy.

Natalie: Of all assignments to do after getting medically discharged I'm here. In the middle of nowhere.

Jane: It doesn't help that we're stuck in a traffic jam.

Somehow someway these drivers managed to get stuck in traffic.

Sid: Man the others are probably blowing shit up or something like that.

Y/N: Do you guys ever stop complaining?

Natalie punches my shoulder.

Bruce: Easy for you to say, you got some action at the rebel base.

I shake my head.

Y/N: Yeah yeah.

Jane: How'd you do it Knox? Like how'd you lead that charge?

Y/N: I said fuck it and ran.

Bruce: Thats what's up.

We keep on driving and after what seems like forever, are forced to stop and set up camp for the night. It's unsafe to travel these roads at night. I step out of my truck and start scanning the area with my eyes. In the distance I can make out the lights of the city where our base is held.

Jane: Hey Knox.

Y/N: Hm?

Jane: Come give me a hand.

She leads me to behind our truck and then gets down onto her back. I stand there confused for a second until she motions for me to join her. So I lay down and she hands me a flashlight.

Jane: Shine it here will you?

She points to a spot under the truck and I turn on the flashlight. I then see her start to check our truck for anything being out of place. Her armor gets stained in oil and dirt.

Jane: That'll do. Thanks Knox.

Y/N: Yeah no problem.

I stand back up and see Sid with some night vision binoculars focusing on something.

Y/N: See anything?

Sid: No. And that's the problem.

Bruce: Well no rebels means no problem right?

Sid: You know these rebels, they're hiding somewhere out there.

Natalie: Yeah...damn rebels.

I see her standing some distance away with her rifle in hand. So I go ahead and join her. She stares up at the 2 moons. One being red the other being blue.

Y/N: Enjoying the sights?

Natalie: I suppose you could say that.

I can see the moons reflect off of her armor.

Natalie: You know my recruiter always did say I'd get to see the galaxy. And I guess they were right.

She laughs a little and I look at the stars.

Y/N: Mine said I'd get the opportunity to be apart of something great and meet amazing people. Guess he was right.

We laugh and then my gut starts to go crazy. I look around the surrounding area. And then a twig snaps.

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