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Leeezzz gooooo

Y/N's POV:

Time seems to slow down. The blast echos in my ears as that bastards vest goes off. My body seems to move on it's own and before I know it I find myself next to Jane.

Y/N: Jane!

She groans in pain as a red hue coats her armor. Looking her over I feel all the color drain from my face. Her right arm is blown clean off and she begins to lose a lot of blood.

Y/N: Doc! Get over here!

Doc gets to my side and begins to work on Jane. He ties a tourniquet on her arm to keep pressure on the wound.

Jane: Augh! Fuck!

Doc: Get her helmet off!

I practically tear her helmet off and she takes in a breath of air. Her forehead bleeds as a deep cut opens her up. Her brown eyes bore through my helmet.

Y/N: Goddamnit I told you not to!

My head snaps up as more of the mob surges towards us. In the crowd I can make out the blood on their hands and a stormtrooper head on a pike of sorts.

Sandman: Open fire!

Red blaster fire flies into the incoming mob. I return my attention to Jane as I do my best to drown out their screams.

Jane: Fuck me...Doc?

Doc: I got you stay with me.

Y/N: Hang in there Jane.

I put my hand under her head and hold it up a little.

Jane: Give it to me I going to die?

Doc: Not if we get you out of here.

Y/N: Tyler radio for a medvac.

Tyler: On it sir!

Tyler get to work on the comms trying to find a way to get Jane out of the city.

Ace: Left alley!

I look over and see a beat up crude truck with a machine gun attached to it. It lets out a burst of fire before the gunman is shot in the head by Ace. The truck then starts barreling towards us.

Y/N: Fuck!

I quickly fire at the driver and they slump over dead. Yet the vehicle keeps coming. I grab Doc and pull him backwards before narrowly yanking Jane out of the trucks path. It collides with a wall and sets off an explosion as a cluster of IED's strapped to the bottom go off.

Y/N: Get her to cover!

I stand up and fire at 3 gunmen dropping them easily. The enemies fire sprays past us. Like I said these guys aren't great shots.

We get back to the cover of the building.

Tyler: Sir I got a medvac on its way! They're going to land on the roof!

Y/N: Alright. Start moving the wounded up to the roof double time! Let's go!

Soldiers begin to carry their comrades up the roof which lessens our fire power at the moment. And then nothing. The city goes quiet.

Ethan: The hell?

I peek out from cover and examine the streets that are filled with bodies at this point.

Evelyn: Where did these bastards go?

Ace: What the hell is going on over there? Boss you may want to see this.

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