Fight like hell

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Llleeez goooo

Y/N's POV:

Rakghoul: Screeach!

Y/N: Light it up!

I fire two shots into its chest while Jane fires one into its throat and Evelyn blows its head clean off with her sniper.

Ace: Heads up you got more coming from down the street. Dear god that's a lot of them.

Evelyn: Is the roof accessible?!

Ace: I see a door so yeah.

Evelyn: Thanks. Hope you guys remember how to rappel. C'mon.

We run out of the room and towards the stairs as I can hear dozens of feet and bodies crashing into the building.

Y/N: What the hell!

Jane: Keep moving!

I see Evelyn pull out a scout pistol as she slings her sniper behind her using its sling.

Evelyn: If we can get to the roof then we have a shot at rappelling down the side of the building and getting out of here.

Jane: I like that plan. Any back up plans?

Evelyn: How fast is Knox's finger?

Jane: How should I know?!

Evelyn: Well you do spend a lot of time with him!

Y/N: My fingers fast! And not it's not from that!

I turn and shoot down one of the space testicles in its head and keep running.

Evelyn: Then we'd have to barricade a room and hold off.

Y/N: Yeah I don't like that.

We continue to sprint up the stairs which becomes an increasingly harder task to do. Eventually though we make it to the top.

Evelyn: Doors jammed!

Y/N: Well unjam it!

Evelyn proceeds to ram her shoulder into the door frame as the Rakghouls get closer and closer.

Y/N: Jane help her out!

Jane: On it!

They both ram into the door pushing it open. We run out onto the roof and I slam the door and use my body to barricade it.

Y/N: Set up the rappels!

The door gets slammed into as I can feel weight being pressed against it.

Y/N: Grah! Hurry!

I grit my teeth as I use every muscle in my body to hold the door shut. An arm pokes and tries to cut through my armor.

Evelyn: Set!

Jane: Set!

Y/N: Bounding!

I sprint towards them and the door flys open. A sniper shot sails past me nailing one of them. Through sheer willpower alone I push my legs the final distance and begin rappelling down the building. Rakghouls fall over the edge.

Y/N: Oh thank fuck.

Ace: Cutting it close.

We get down the side of the building.

Evelyn: C'mon we need to get out of here before it's too late.

Y/N: No argument here.

We start to jog back towards Ace when we're cut off by a large horde of Rakghouls.

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