Still standing

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Leeeez go this chapter is gonna be shorter than other chapters because, drum roll please.

We're doing a vote today! That's right it's voting time. You will have until Today all the way to December 6th 2019.

Let's go

Y/N's POV:

I lay in a recovery bed. My leg is all types of wrapped up.

Y/N: Hello? Anyone else in here?

Sandman: I am sir.

I look to my left and see a curtain obscuring my view of the person I'm sharing a room with. But I don't need to see the person since I already know Sandman's voice.

Y/N: Your here too huh?

Sandman: Yeah. Bastard has one helluva kick.

Y/N: How's the knee?

Sandman: Broken sir. The doctors told me I can start physical therapy as soon as they deem me capable of it

Y/N: Huh that's not so bad, never been to physical therapy.

Sandman: How's the thigh?

I look at my wrapped up leg.

Y/N: Eh sore as hell.

Sandman: Bastard was tough.

Y/N: Yeah...wonder huh much their paying him.

Sandman: I don't know sir.

Y/N: He's a real pain in the ass.

Sandman: Agreed.

Y/N: Any word on the others?

Sandman: Bruce is cleared from recovery. Natalie and Jane are a few rooms down from us, also in recovery.

I sigh and rest my head against my pillow.

Y/N: He really did a number on us huh?

Sandman: Yeah.

Y/N: Hey Sand?

Sandman: Sir?

Y/N: What're you gonna do when this is all over?

Sandman: Assuming I live to see the end?

Y/N: Yeah.

Sandman: I have a few acres of farmland on the outskirts of Naboo. I want to go there and settle down. Find a wife, have a kid and die peacefully.

Y/N: That's the most I've ever heard you say.

I chuckle a little.

Y/N: But it sounds like a nice peaceful life. I hope you can see it through.

Sandman: Thank you sir.

Y/N: You'd better send me some of whatever you farm though.

For the first time I hear Sandman chuckle to himself.

Sandman: Will do sir.

A comfortable silence ensues but then Sandman breaks it.

Sandman: What do you want to do when this all over?

Huh, never really thought of that.

Y/N: I dunno really. I always dreamed of settling down on a beach. Waking up everyday to the cool breeze of the ocean. Get married, have a kid or two.

Sandman: Got a girl back home?

My chest tightens a little.

Y/N: Had. She was killed in a rebel bombing.

Sandman: Damn. My apologies sir.

Y/N: It's fine.

Sandman: What about Natalie or Jane?

Y/N: What about them?

Sandman: They're practically all over you sir.

Y/N: That so?

Sandman: Permission to speak freely?

Y/N: Yeah I have no qualms with it.

Sandman: Your a dense motherfucker.

Y/N: Yeah yeah whatever you ass.

The day goes on. We're visited by doctors performing check ups and administering pain killers. Time seems to crawl by as this all happens.

It's the middle of the night now. No sounds can be heard in the facility except for whatever is powering the place. It's then I hear the sound of paper being slid on the floor. Looking down my ears were correct as there is indeed a paper on the ground.

Y/N: Psst Sandman.

No response. He must be asleep. Sighing I pull my cover off and look at my wrapped up leg. I drag myself out of the bed and onto the ground. I lay on my back and use my shoulders to drag me to the door. I then pick up the piece of paper to find that it's a letter addressed to me.

Dear Knox,
After the whole Revenant thing and brushing hands with death I thought it'd be time I finally told you how I feel about you. Truth be told i've harbored these feelings since boot camp. If you can, meet me on the rooftop. I'll be waiting.

Y/N: Well I'll be damned.

Looking around I spy a pair of crutches leaning against the wall. I grab them pull myself up. Using the crutches I make my way down the hall as quietly as possible. I make it to the elevator. My mind is racing with curiosity. After what seems like an eternity the elevator opens and lets me out on the roof.

Y/N: Damn that took awhile.

I look around and see a single figure staring up at the stars. I recognize their hair as it seemingly shines under the moonlight. They then turn to me. My heart flutters with confused feelings.

Y/N: It's you?

Aaaand scene. Okay vote time bois. Do keep in mind there will be a second vote on this matter later on. Now then.

A. Natalie.

B. Jane.

Remember you have until December 6th to get your votes in. Either comment or PM me.

Later guys.

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