Children of Ice

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Leeezzz goooo

Y/N's POV:

Jäckel: Where is Captain Frost?!

Y/N: Wait what?!

Ikil: You heard him. Where is he. You were the last person we know of who saw him.

Y/N: He beat the shit out of me and vanished!

Jäckel: Any idea where he went?

Y/N: Look here's what happened. My squad and I went to go stop a riot when shots started to get fired. He came out and told us to leave. I found out he was the traitor we were told about in bootcamp. And then he beat the shit out of me and my team.

Ikil: What about weapons. What did he use?

Y/N: Duel pistols and a grappling wire.

I rub my throat thinking back on how he choked the shit out of me.

Jäckel: Sounds about right. Mom told us that was his specialty.

Ikil: This is a dead end. At this rate we'll never find him.

They let me go and I pop my shoulder.

Tyler: Sergeant Knox come in! We have a problem! A really big problem!

Y/N: Slow down Tyler breathe.

I hear him inhale over the comms and I see Jäckel and Ikil are watching me.

Tyler: The Bismarck is under attack. She's outnumbered!

I look up to the sky and can make out faint green trails.

Y/N: Patch me through to Avilla.

Tyler: Send it.

I hear the comms switch channels.

Y/N: Captain?

Avilla: Sergeant. To what do I owe the displeasure?

Y/N: I heard you were under fire. What's going on up there?

Avilla: The rebels have us surrounded. Our shields won't be holding out for much longer.

How is she still acting calm?

Avilla: We are dispersing escape pods to Na'Basa as we speak. See to it that the men are collected.

Y/N: What about yourself?

Avilla: I will wait until every last soldier under my command is evacuated from this ship. Now I do believe I have a battle to fight.

She cuts the comms and I clench my fists.

Y/N: That damn idiot.

Jäckel: Looks like the empires in trouble.

Y/N: Shut it.

Ikil levels her rifle with my head.

Ikil: You'll keep your comments to yourself imperial dog.

Tyler: Sir how're looking on your way back?

Y/N: Still in the city. The snipers been dealt with but I'm being hassled by some armored people.

Tyler: Sir if you can hurry back. We have imperial navy pods landing and we need to start retrieving them.

Y/N: Have Jane, Natalie and Ethan run point on recovery until I get back. I've still got a long hike ahead of me.

I end the comms and turn to Jäckel and Ikil.

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