Tropical Combat

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Leeezzz gooooo

Y/N's POV:

I stand in the transport ship with my usual group.

Y/N: Our enemies are dug in, expect heavy resistance on the beach. However.

I pull out a hologram map of the beach.

Y/N: If we push to these rock formations we'll have ample cover to fight back.

I mark a wall of rocks that are on the beach.

Slip: This is the 82nd. Commencing first run.

The sounds of TIE fighters race past us followed by explosions.

Y/N: Right everyone has targeting smoke?

Ace: Yes sir, but for what exactly?

Y/N: Incase the enemy has armored vehicles.

I feel our ship land and the ramp drops to the ground.

Y/N: Stay low!

We all crouch as we sprint out of the ship. Blaster fire races to meet us.

Natalie: Get down!

We throw ourselves to the sand. Blaster fire sails over us as the 82nd continues to bomb the enemies defenses.

The rest of the battalion lands and we dig into the sand.

Y/N: Get me some covering smoke! We're going to move once the enemies can't see us!

My men hurl smoke grenades onto the beach. Smoke fills the air basking the beach in an eerie gray.

Sandman: Smoke is set sir. Your orders?

Y/N: Make a break for those rocks men! Go!

I lead the push to the rocks as blaster fire wildly zips past us. We all manage to make it to the rocks and begin setting up. The enemy is yet to notice.

Y/N: Brock get set up with the other heavy gunners. Sandman on my signal get the heavies to lay down covering fire.

Sandman: Copy that sir.

Y/N: Ace, Evelyn I need you two to back track to the sand bank we came from. Once all hell breaks loose your in charge of picking off any of those fuckers who don't see you.

Evelyn: What do you say Ace? Round 3?

Ace: Your on. We'll get it done sir.

Y/N: Everyone else get ready to move.

I raise my blaster towards the enemy and take aim.

Y/N: Open fire!

A torrent of red blaster fire spews from our position. The enemy is caught off guard. TIE fighters perform another bombing run nailing their defenses.

Y/N: Let's get off this fucking beach!

Ethan: Right behind you sir!

I'm the first one to break from our cover and begin sprinting up the beach. Heavy blaster fire zips past us and nails the enemy. Sniper shots fly through the air dropping enemy after enemy.

Ace: 8

Evelyn: 9!

Sandman: Keep their heads down! The commanders almost there!

Brock: Eat heat you bastards!

Slip: Commencing third run watch your heads down there.

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