Island Excursion

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Leeeeeeezzzzz gooooooo

Y/N's POV:

We march through the jungle towards the enemies comm station.

Ace: Join the Stormtrooper Corps they said. It'll be the adventure of a life time they said.

Evelyn: We just started marching. And your already complaining?

Y/N: Ace are you older than your letting on?

Ace: No. My knees just hurt all the damn time.

Brock: I dunno Ace, you might be getting a little too old for this shit.

Doc: Remind me again how long we've been doing this shit?

Ace: Couple years now?

Brock: Sounds about right.

Y/N: If that's the case then why is Doc able to run around like a druggie with bacta?

Doc: Well unlike Ace, I'm still young and spry.

Ace: Whatever.

We push through the jungle and continue our banter while watching for any movement.

Brock: Hey Ace, still scared of jungles?

Ace: Hey those fur balls are fucking terrifying.

Sandman: Which ones?

Ace: Uhh the ones on Endor.

Evelyn: Aweee Ace is traumatized by little Ewoks.

Ace: Okay why is everyone coming after me all of a sudden?

Doc: To show you we do care about you and your old man problems.

Ace: For the last time I'm not old. I may be older but I'm not old.

Y/N: Your old for the military.

He groans before shaking his head.

I check behind us and glance at our new additions to the battalion. A small team of flame troopers march behind us.

We keep marching through the jungle. My eyes watch the surrounding foliage trying to spot out any hidden enemies but I don't find any.

We make it to the outskirts of the enemies comm station. A ray shield covers it protecting it from an air raid.

Y/N: Alright listen up men. The plan is to completely surround the enemy and push in altogether. We just have to locate the ray shield generator and mark destroy it. From there Lieutenant Hexe will blow the base to hell.

Ace: Right so what's the play?

Y/N: Sandman your taking Brock and the flamers around the rear. I want heavy fire pushing these fucks more towards the center of the outpost.

Sandman: To bunch them up?

Y/N: Affirmative. Once they're bunched up it'll be like shooting fish in a barrel.

Sandman: Sounds good sir. Let's move.

He leads his team around to their position. So while we wait on them to get set up, we start dicking around.

Evelyn: And then he goes "Hey pretty lady, you ever been with a soldier?"

Y/N: Let me guess, fresh out of bootcamp?

Ace: Hey you weren't hot shit either when you got out of boot.

Evelyn: Anyway, I got up and pulled back my sleeve because I have my identification number on my wrist right?

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