Tough SOB

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Lllllleeeeeeezzzzzz gooooooooooooo

Y/N's POV:

I stare into the visor of the man who's responsible for the situation I'm stuck in. He chuckles.

???: And I thought you stormtroopers were supposed to be the galaxies finest.

I look around the truck and notice Sandman's missing. I smirk under my helmet.

Y/N: That so? Rebel scum.

???: I'm no rebel. They offered a pretty price per trooper I killed. It's nothing personal.

He levels the barrel of his gun with my head.

???: I'm sure you understand.

Y/N: Can I at least get your name before you kill me?

The man ponders the question and fails to notice the white and red stormtrooper sneaking up behind him.

???: Revenant.

Y/N: Well that's a shitty name.

Revenant: Quite you.

Y/N: Oh yeah by the way.

I see Sandman is much closer now. Unfortunately he doesn't have his gun.

Y/N: Your about to get your shit rocked.

Revenant: Hm?

Sandman tackles Revenant to the ground and they begin to wrestle for his gun. Revenant pulls a knife from his chest holster and goes to stab Sandman. Sandman stops Revenant's hand and knocks the knife away.

Y/N: C'mon let's go!

Jane, Natalie and I manage to climb out of our truck through the window. We see Revenant stand up still wrestling with Sandman for the gun. Revenant then let's go off the gun and sweeps Sandman off his feet. I charge in and lower my shoulder. I drive my shoulder into Revenant's side. We fall to the ground and I slam my fist into his helmet. He quickly throws me off.

Revenant: So you guys do have spunk huh?

He pulls out a blaster pistol and picks up his knife. He then steadies his pistol on his forearm. I find my rifle a few yards away so I dive for it and aim in.

Y/N: You do realize what kind of situation your in right?

Sandman was able to recover his mini gun. Jane and Natalie were able to grab their rifles.

Jane: We've got you 4 to 1.

Revenant: Not exactly fair. For you that is.

Natalie: Shut your mouth.

Y/N: Fire!

We open fire and he quickly rolls backwards dodging our fire. He then fires his pistol and nails Natalie in the shoulder. He then throws his knife at me and it penetrates through my armor and lodges into my thigh.

Natalie: Augh!

Y/N: Fuck!

He then runs towards Sandman who's trying to spray him down with his mini gun. Revenant slides under Sandman's legs and kicks the back of his knees. He then slams Sandman's head into the ground.

Sandman: Damnit look out!

Jane rolls to her left as Revenant shoots where her head was moments ago. I get up and go to help when he quickly turns to me and kicks the hilt of his knife deeper into my thigh. I stumble forward and he knees me in the face. Natalie regains her composure and shoots Revenant in the back. He then turns to her and shoots her 4 more times. Twice in the chest, once in the stomach, and once in the knee.

Jane: Over here you green fuck!

She drops to her knee and shoots him in the head but the shots do little to nothing. He then runs towards her and moves her gun away from him. He then slams his elbow into her throat dropping Jane to her knees. He then presses the barrel of his gun to her throat.

Revenant: Just like dominos. You'll all fall one by one.

Before he can shoot Sandman shoots Revenant in the side. Jane pushes Revenant away from her. Revenant skillfully shoots the barrels of Sandman's mini gun. Sandman charges forward and swings his mini gun at Revenant. Revenant dodges the first swing. Sandman uses the barrel of his gun to push Revenant to the ground. He then raises his gun and swings it downward. Revenant uses his arms to shield his head from the blow.

Revenant: That all you got? Because it's not good enough!

He kicks Sandman in the knee and we hear the sickening snap of bones breaking as Sandman falls backwards. I struggle to my feet and raise my blaster once more. I fire at the back of Revenant's head and he moves his aside dodging the blast. He then runs up to me and rips the knife from my thigh.

Y/N: Augh!

Jane: Knox!

Blood starts to pour out of my thigh and I watch as he raises the bloody knife into the air. The blood trickles down onto my armor. I raise my hands up in time to catch the blade. It cuts through the cloth material that covers the palms of my hands. The knife is suspended over my throat as I struggle to keep the knife from ending my life.

Revenant: Still got some fight in you?

Y/N: More than you know.

He presses his weight down on the blade and it becomes increasingly harder to hold it at bay.

Revenant: Show me then.

I grunt as I use every last of energy to keep myself alive. That's when I hear the roar of truck engines.

Revenant: What?

Suddenly six assault vehicles tear into the clearing we're fighting in.

Jane: They made it!

Revenant quickly rolls off of me as a storm of red blaster fire sails over me. He weaves through the concentrated fire before grabbing his rifle and disappearing into the dense woods.

Natalie: You guys okay?

Sandman: Knox is bleeding real bad.

I see Doc exit one of the vehicles and he runs over to me. The sun streams in through the trees and my breathing becomes louder. I can faintly here Doc talking to me.

Doc: Shit he's lost a lot of blood. Hang on I got you.

Y/N: Tired. I'm fucking tired.

Doc: Yeah? Well don't fall asleep damnit. Tell me about your favorite food yeah?

He keeps me conscious as he works on keeping me stable. I don't even realize that we're in the trucks and hauling ass back to base.

Y/N: I could go for a steak...and lobster.

Doc: Yeah? My kid loves that shit too. How you feeling?

Y/N: Like shit.

Doc: Good. I need you to stay awake for now okay?

Y/N: Yeah...yeah I'll try.

We haul ass to base and I'm loaded off the truck. I'm placed in a white room where people with medical equipment begin working me. They take off my helmet and place a mask of sorts over my face and the world goes black as I fall into a deep sleep.

Aaaaand scene

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