Dying Breath

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Leeeezz gooo this is it, everything up to this point has been leading to this moment.

Y/N's POV:

Y/N: We resist.

I aim down the sights.

Y/N: And we bite.

I squeeze the trigger and the blaster barks out in response. A wall of blaster fire pelts the incoming rebels as they begin to seek cover.

Jane: We're getting overran here!

Sandman: Can't hold our position for much longer boss.

Yet our position stands firm in the face of adversity. The enemy fights and bleeds over every inch of the the street in front of us.

It's surrender or die. There is no time to say goodbye to those that fall around us.

Explosions pound the ground around us and buildings begin to crumble. Glass rains down on top of our heads like the ash does.

Jane: We can't hold this position much longer!

Sandman: We can hold our for a little while longer sir. Buildings fell on top of them blocking their path.

Y/N: Jane fall back to the second line and begin reinforcing. Sandman hold redirect your rebels towards us and link up with us.

Sandman: Copy that. We'll start hearding them.

Ace: Sir what should we do?

Y/N: Take Evelyn and get into that building! I want you to start targeting their medics.

Ace: But the convention!

Y/N: It's just a suggestion at this point!

Evelyn: Bounding!

She gets up and hauls ass to the building.

Y/N: Set up rappels and be ready to fall back once shit goes sideways.

Ace: Will do. Bounding!

Ace's POV:

I get up from my cover and run into the building Knox pointed out to us. I see Evelyn already set up so I set up the rappels.

Evelyn: These guys won't let up!

I run over and lay next to her aiming in on my rifle.

Ace: No kidding.

I fire my rifle and a Twi drops dead to the ground but it doesn't even seem to make a difference. Nothing we're doing seems to make a difference.

I look down to my friends and see Knox pull Natalie back onto her feet before continuing to fire Brock's heavy blaster.

I've served with horrible people until Knox showed up back on Kronos. He's an example of what a commander should be.

I spot a rebel raising their blaster aimed at Doc. But before I can shoot an image flashes in my mind. She looks just like her. Same hair, same eyes. Just like the woman I lost so long ago.

I panic and squeeze the trigger of my sniper

And miss.

Doc drops to ground writhing in pain as the rebel shoots him twice in the back before Natalie blasts her in the head.

Doc oh no...oh fuck. I missed...I missed...why'd I miss.

Y/N's POV:

Y/N: Doc!

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