Black TIE Down

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Leeez goooo. And yes that's a Black Hawk Down reference.

Y/N's POV:

Blaster fire pours out of our building.

Brock: There's too many!

Y/N: Tyler get me some fucking air support.

Ace: Watch the roofs.

Rockets slam into the building sending debris everywhere. A cloud of dust rises up obscuring our vision.

Ethan: Fuck I cant see!

Natalie: Just keep shooting!

My blaster overheats as a rebel manages to break our lines. He raises his rifle to my head. I quickly move the rifle off center. I then slam them into the ground and plunge my knife into their throat. He grabs his neck as he chokes upon his blood.

I get onto one knee and keep firing.

Y/N: Tyler where the hell is that air support?!

Tyler: ETA 5 min!

Y/N: Ace how're we looking up there?

Ace: I can see the medvac ship coming. Streets are flooded with people right now.

Y/N: Copy that. Doc?

Doc: I've got Jane stable for now but she needs to get out of here.

Y/N: You make sure she's on that goddamn ship.

Doc: Right.

A bottle flies into the building. It smashes against Ethan's head before catching fire. Ethan drops to the ground and rips off his helmet before patting the flames out.

A bottle smashed against my chest piece and fire crawls up my body.

Y/N: Augh!

I swat at the flames and keep fighting. The roar of TIE's full the air and suddenly the streets come alive with green fire. The ground jumps up at the horde of attackers.

Evelyn: Medvac ship is here!

Y/N: Start loading the wounded! Everyone else get ready to move to the top!

We continue to fight. The mob continues to get closer and perform little hit and runs. The building is filled with debris as bodies litter the ground outside of the building.

My blaster burns my hands but I fight through the burning sensation.

Doc: The wounded are loaded sir!

Y/N: Alright let's move! Sandman, Brock you two lay down covering fire.

We start pulling up to the rooftops. The crowd is on our heels as we burst out onto the rooftops. I turn to aim my blaster at the door.

Evelyn: We've got a problem!

Y/N: Talk to me!

I quickly ran my shoulder into the door and so does Sandman as we attempt to slow down the horde.

Ace: Not everyone's going to fit.

I study the space left and figure about 3 more people can fit.

Y/N: Ethan, Brock, Evelyn get in! Make sure that ship gets to the Bismarck!

Evelyn: Copy that sir.

She gets up and pats Ace's shoulder before getting into the ship. Ethan clambers into the ship tiredly. And Brock squeezes in.

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