Joint Forces

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Leeeezzz goooooo

Y/N's POV:

What the hell just happened? One moment I was on a new beach, everything was calm as it had been for last 3 islands.

And then the bombing began. Y Wings flew over us and dropped bombs of pure fire. Oh god the fire.

My ears ring violently and I can't hear the blaster bolts zipping past me. Blood coats my hands as I hold my side.

The smell. Oh dear god the smell of armor and flesh being melted away.

I'm suddenly dragged behind rock of sorts as my vision begins to clear up for the first time. I'm front of me is the familiar Red Cross on Doc's chest piece.

He shakes me and I can tell he's talking by the way his head bobs. But I can't hear him.

I raise my hands up and watch as blood trickles down my hands onto the red stained beach.

A blast pounds the ground next to us and my hearing returns. I shake my head as I begin to take in my bearings.

Above us a dog fight rages between the 82nd and the militia's aircraft. Bombs drop from the sky pounding the beaches ahead of us softening up the enemies defenses. My men are scattered on the beach as a column of fire engulfs our right and left flanks. The only way we can go is forward, forward into the enemies blasters.

Doc: Knox!

He hits my helmet and I look at Doc.

Y/N: Doc?! What the fuck happened?!

Doc: Those fuckers set this up. They knew we'd be here!

A figure slides next to us before going prone and firing their rifle.

Ace: Doc! Oh you got Knox back on his feet?

Y/N: Don't sound too surprised.

I peak over our cover and duck down as a bolt sails over my head.

Ace: Sir they've got us surrounded, evac ships can't get close enough to get us without being blown to hell.

Y/N: Where's everyone else?

Doc: Scattered. The other half of the platoon is on the other side of the fire.

He points to the never ending column of fire that divides the beach. I can feel it's heat from where I sit.

Y/N: Fucking hell.

I peak back over and see wounded soldiers laying in the sand sending up a prayer to whatever god there is, to give them the strength to push through. Or maybe for their deaths to be painless.

Y/N: Ace you and I are going to keep their heads down. Doc I need you to get out and pull our wounded back.

Doc: I can do that.

Ace: Hey Doc?

Doc: Yeah?

Ace: Try not to get your head blown off!

Ace fires a shot from his sniper and for a second I can tell how much of a difference one shot can make. I peak up and start firing towards the enemy.

Doc crouch sprints his way up the beach grabbing our wounded and dragging them back to cover.

I manage to gather up my non wounded men and we all lay down covering fire for Doc who time and time again and again runs out into the fray disregarding his life.

How does he do it? What makes a man do that when he has so much to lose? What do I have to lose? All these questions fill my mind but I push them aside and continue firing.

Doc pulls back our last wounded before collapsing. His chest rises up and down as his ragged breathing fills our ears.

Ace: And they say I'm old!

Doc: Up....your...ass.

I pat Doc's shoulder as she begins to sit up and work on our wounded.

Doc: Uh-Oh.

Y/N: Whats uh-oh?

Doc: They're in the water!

I turn my attention towards the water behind us and see Gungans start to rise up from the water. They all carry a blaster. Now we're completely surrounded and cut off.

Y/N: Focus fire on our 6!

My men turn their heads and begin firing upon the charging Gungan's.

I blast three of them in the chest before one of them throws a bomb at us. I watch as Ace stands up and throws the bomb back. It explodes right in front of him sending our sniper to his ass.

Ace: Argh fuck!

Doc: Language!

I see Doc fire his own pistol at the enemy displaying an impressive set of marksmanship. He then goes to check on Ace who holds his shooting hand.

Ace: Fucking hell!

I continue to the blast the Gungans until only one remains. It's charges me and well...

(Sorry I just really fucking hate Gungans after Jar-Jar

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(Sorry I just really fucking hate Gungans after Jar-Jar. They shall be handled with extreme prejudice)

I crouch down next to Ace who now has a bandage on his hand. He leans his head against our cover.

Y/N: Talk to me buddy, how bad is it?

Ace: Well so much for my alone time.

We share a laugh as the blaster bolts continue to slam into our cover or fly over our heads.

Y/N: Can you shoot?

Ace: Of course I can shoot!

Doc: No, you need to let your hand heal before it becomes lost forever.

I grab his sniper and look at him for approval.

Y/N: Mind if I?

Ace: Your the commander?

Y/N: I'm not asking as your commander. I'm asking as your brother.

Ace: Then aim a little above the head brother.

I nod and lay prone in the sand. I'm unable to get a clear shot on anyone. I suck in a deep breath before rolling into the open completely exposed.

I lean into the sniper and aim down field. With a quick pull of the trigger an enemy soldier drops dead before they can fire their rocket launcher.

I continue to pick off our enemies as blaster bolts pelt the sand in front of me creating clouds of sand that would no doubt be a pain to clean off later.

But no matter how hard we fight the enemies have us completely surrounded. In other words, we're fucked.

As all hope seems lost one of soldiers points to the sky. I look up and see transport ships hauling ass towards the beach. One lands behind us and off steps a platoon of stormtroopers.

Troopers from the 501st.

I grin under my helmet before pulling myself to my feet.

Y/N: C'mon men! We can't let them beat us to the enemy!

The newly landed 501st begin pushing up the beach but my men rise from the sand and turn to face the enemy.

The 607th and 501st are in this together.

Aaaand scene

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