Riot Duty

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I got bored and felt like updating so lez go.

Y/N's POV:

I sit in the briefing room with my squad. Apparently we're getting a visit from some...inquisitor? I think that's the term at least.

Sid: So hows the chest?

I look to my left and see Sid. He was hit during the assault on the base but the bastards too stubborn to die.

Y/N: It's getting there. Hurts like a bitch in the mornings though.

Zero: Your telling me.

Y/N: Zero you practically asked to get shot.

Zero: I wanted to see what it felt like.

Bruce: Well now we're all recipients of the Purple Heart.

Y/N: Yeah I suppose we are huh? You think we'll have a ceremony?

Sid: Probably not.

The Lt walks into the room.

Lt: Alright listen up.

We all shut up and await the Lt's orders.

Lt: As you may be aware we have an inquisitor on base today. They will be here right about-

The door opens.

Lt: Now.

About 10 troopers march into the room. Except they wear black armor so they must be some sort of special operations. They file into the room and 5 stand on the right side where as the other 5 stand on the left. It's then this inquisitor walks into the room.

Sid whispers to me

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Sid whispers to me.

Sid: It's not a phase moooom.

I let out a chuckle and that's when I feel the eyes of the black troopers pierce through my skull. The man turns to me.

Inquisitor: Anyone who hasn't seen the map to the Mandalorian's home leave now.

A handful of troopers step out of the room leaving me and my squad alone with this death squad.

Inquisitor: Which one of you is responsible for losing it.

I can feel the tension in the room rise as I sigh and stand up.

Y/N: I did sir.

He turns to me.

Inquisitor: How.

Y/N: Sir I was shot in the shot in the chest while giving pursuit to a droid that had the drive.

Inquisitor: Do you remember where their home was.

Y/N: Roughly sir.

He walks up to me with a holographic map. I go ahead and mark the general area where the map displayed the Mandalorian's home.

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