Push through

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Leeez goooo

Y/N's POV:

Avilla: Well this is a botched rescue attempt.

Y/N: Would you rather I have left you to become whatever it is they sold you off to be?

Avilla: I suppose if we make it through this I'll let you get away with it.

Ikil: If you two are done fraternizing with each other, we could use a hand here.

Jäckel: What she said.

Avilla: But of course.

I spot a slavers pistol and hand it to Avilla.

Y/N: Please tell me you know how to actually shoot.

A back door opens and in comes two slavers. Before they can get their shots off, Avilla blasts both of them in the chest dropping them dead.

Avilla: I'll have you know I shot expert.

Y/N: Alright then. Let's do this.

We step out of the back door and are met with 3 slavers. They turn to us and Jäckel fires two shots from his duel pistols while Ikil uses her rifle to drop the last one.

We start moving through the middle of the camp when blaster fire comes out from the buildings on our right. We take cover behind some crates.

Jäckel: Ikil flush them out!

Ikil nods and sprints towards the buildings window. A column of fire erupts from her wrist. Fire engulfs the building and 4 slavers run out covered in flames.

Jäckel places two shots into one of the slavers head. I gun down two of the slavers as they attempt to roll on the ground to put out the flames. Avilla fires her pistol and her shot lands between the last slavers eyes.

Y/N: Like fish in a barrel.

A slaver charges me with a spear. Ikil steps out in front of me and slams the butt of her gun into the slavers face. The slaver crumples down and she blasts him in the throat.

Y/N: Thanks.

Ikil: Watch your ass Buckethead.

Y/N: Right...

We start running to the entrance of the camp when I see headlights come over the hill.

Y/N: Well I'll be damned.

Jäckel: Who the hell are they?!

I smirk under my helmet.

Y/N: My Devil Dogs.

I see troopers get out of the assault vehicles and sprint towards us. Leading them is a stormtrooper in red.

Sandman: Need a hand Sergeant?

Y/N: Haha Sandman good to see you brother!

Sandman: Came as fast as we could.

The slavers all look around confused as to the sudden appearance of stormtroopers. I stand among them and aim my blaster with them.

Y/N: Watch your fire, there are slaves in there. Do not and I repeat do not hit them.

The troops all acknowledge the order.

Y/N: Now then. Light them up!

A frenzy of red blaster fire sails towards the slavers. The shots mow down any and all slavers caught in the storm.

Sandman: Alright clear it out men!

Sandman advances towards the camp with our men in tow. I go to follow them but I'm cut off by the familiar red cross of Doc's arm.

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