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Leeeezzz gooo

Y/N's POV:

Who knew that getting gassed and nearly coughing out your lungs could land in you in the intensive care unit upon a star destroyer?

It's been about 2 months since our deployment on Kraval. And every day since then we've spent recovering physically. And for some of us mentally.

The campaign took a lot from us. But the gas was the breaking point for most of us.

I've managed to regain my ability to talk with minimal pain. But somehow to this day I can still taste the gas. I can still feel my lungs burn at the thought of green cloud blanketing me and my men.

The funny thing is Admiral Avilla has been with me every step of the way with my recovery. Everyone was separated into their own recovery rooms like any other hospital. And once again she's in my room.

Avilla: How're you feeling today?

Y/N: Better. The burnings stopped but the pain is still there.

Avilla: Well reconstructive lung surgery will do that to you.

She looks over my recovery sheet.

Avilla: Looks like you'll be back in action soon enough.

She sighs and looks over at me.

Avilla: I can't begin to imagine what it was like for you down there.

Y/N: You get used to the screaming and blaster fire eventually.

Avilla: Maybe. But it takes a certain type of men to be able to lead in through the chaos the way you do.

Y/N: I'm not a man. I'm just a kid from Kerell who fights for a galaxy that doesn't give a shit about him or the people he's lost.

Avilla: Don't say that.

Y/N: Why can't i? It's the truth. The galaxy wouldn't care if my head was thrust upon a spike and made into a symbol of the rebellion. To them I'm not human I'm just some sort of walking skeleton bent on killing everything that defies the empire.

Avilla: The galaxy may not care but I would. Your men would. The people you've fought alongside with would care. Isn't that enough for you?

Y/N: It'll be enough when the day comes where civilians don't spit on me and call me a baby killer.

(On a serious note veterans need to be treated better by society)

Avilla goes quiet before sighing.

Avilla: Well you have therapy in 15. I suggest you get down there commander.

And then she walks out leaving me.

The months pass and my battalion has been reassigned. To where exactly? The place where it all started. Kerell.

We've been reassigned here to guard the capital. From what? No clue. As far as I've known this place has always been an imperial planet.

I think it's because of the hell we've endured as of late. Not that I minded the change of pace. We'd wake up and patrol the city. Everything seemed okay for the most part. Sure there was the occasional civilian spewing rebel propaganda but that's really it.

I stand at my post with my team at the edge of the capital. It's just another Monday for us.

Ace: So did you guys catch the game?

Ethan: Which one?

Y/N: There was a game?

Ace: Apparently, that's what the locals were talking about.

Evelyn: Say Knox?

Y/N: Hm?

Evelyn: What's there to do here?

Y/N: Hm...well there's the cantinas, the museums, memorial walk, a few parks here and there, cinemas and what not.

Jane: Memorial walk?

Y/N: Yeah, during the clone wars there was a large battle here. Lots of lives were lost and their designation numbers along with civilian names line the walk.

Natalie: A cantina sounds like a good time.

Evelyn: I'll go drinking with you anytime.

Natalie: Careful now, that's the way to my heart.

Ace: I thought that was food?

Natalie: Are you calling me fat?

Ethan: Ha your fucked now.

Ace: My bad my bad.

He holds his hands out in a don't shoot kind of way. We all kinda just laugh. I lean my head against a wall and look up towards the sky. I really did miss this place. Even if it holds my darkest memories.

Y/N: You guys want to get a drink tonight?

Jane: Depends, are you going to be the one to pay?

Y/N: Why am I always the one who has to pay?

Sandman: You get payed more than us.

Y/N: Wait do you guys get payed overtime?

Ethan: They pay you overtime?

Y/N: Well yeah of course I do. I'm surprised you guys don't.

I look over in the distance nonchalantly when I notice something a little off.

Y/N: Ace, give me your rifle.

Ace: Uhh sure here.

He hands me his rifle and I aim at a glare behind a boulder. In my sights I see a rebel with a pair of binos.

Y/N: Son of a bitch.

They instantly take off running.

Evelyn: The hell?

Y/N: Something isn't right. I don't like this.

Sandman: What do we do sir?

Y/N: Call it in. Let the others stationed here know what's going on.

Jane: No rest for the weary.

Y/N: Ace, Evelyn you two get out and scout ahead. Report back to me what you find and get back here. Take the speeders.

Ace: Will do sir.

Evelyn: C'mon keep up old man.

Ace: For the last time I'm not old!

And the duo takes off.

Y/N: Son of a bitch. Start drawing back to more a defensible position.

And so we fall back towards the capital.

Jane: Whats happening?

Y/N: I think we're about to get hit. Hard.

We make it to our position and then Ace and Evelyn finally report back in.

Evelyn: Commander come in.

Y/N: Talk to me, what's going on?

Evelyn: Whats going on is we're staring down a large rebel force.

Y/N: Numbers?

Ace: Thousands...sir they have armor, artillery and a lot of supplies to lay siege.

Y/N: Fuck...okay get back here now.

Doc: Sir what the hell are we going to do?

Y/N: We're going to evacuate the civilians first. I want any and all ships in the capital turned into transport.

I pull out a holomap and begin formulating a plan of sorts. The fight of our lives is upon us. The defense of Kerell is underway.

Aaaaand scene. Okay guys this is it, this is going to be the final arc in the story. I hope you guys are ready for this. Also I'm contemplating dropping a chapter of the next book early, contains zero spoilers of what happens in end of this one. Now as for that story I'm considering letting you guys come up with characters. Private message me for restrictions and what you got.

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