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Leeezzz gooo

Y/N's POV:

I stand in a command tent with Oblivion, Sandman and Jane as we go over a map of the Na'Basa desert. On our map is a farm of some kind. They're suspected of housing rebels that were stranded here from the last time we were here.

Sandman: If we encircle the farms they may be more likely to be open to talks.

Jane: Numbers should be more than enough to scare the farmers shitless.

Y/N: I don't want civilian casualties, make sure everyone knows to check their fire.

Oblivion just stands there with his arms crossed. I can practically feel the hate resonating off of him. Somehow someway I don't think he cares for watching his fire.

Sandman: I think we're all set sir.

Y/N: Sounds goo-

Oblivion: Very well your all dismissed. Gather your men and get ready to move.

Y/N: Sir.

We walk out of the command tent and I sigh to myself.

Jane: You alright Knox?

Y/N: I'm fine. Just don't really like that guy.

Sandman: I don't think anyone here truly does.

Jane: Was I the only one getting bad vibes from him?

Y/N: No, I don't think he likes us that much.

Jane: That's too bad. Think he's going to stick to the plan?

Y/N: I don't even think he was paying attention. Gather the troops and have them ready to move in 10.

Sandman: Yes sir.

Jane: Will do.

I walk towards the lead transport vehicle and start pulling troops with me.

Y/N: Ethan, Natalie and Tyler your with me. Ace and Evelyn your with Jane. Bruce and Brock I want you with Sandman.

They all nod at their new assignments and go off to meet with their squad leaders.

Natalie: Whats the play here boss?

Y/N: We're just surrounding some farms that are suspected of hiding rebels.

Ethan: Any idea how many may be hiding there?

Y/N: Anywhere from 20-25. If they know what's good for them they'll surrender.

Tyler: And if they're not sir?

Y/N: Then you'd better shoot back.

I see all the troops loading into their vehicles. Oblivion gets into a vehicle in the rear. The bastard won't even lead from the front. Why'd they even send him here?

I load into my vehicle and we begin making our way out of the city and towards the farms. I sit in the passenger seat while Natalie man's the big gun. Ethan is on the wheel and Tyler is keeping track of where we are with a map.

Eventually we make it to the farms. Seems to be a mix of moisture and some type of agricultural farms.

We step off our transport vehicles and begin to circle the farms creating a ring of white. Eventually an old man comes out to greet us. He's followed by two younger men who imagine are his sons.

Old Man: Yes? Is there something we can help you with sir?

Y/N: We're just following up on some intel saying you guys are housing Rebels.

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