Sewer Rats

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Llleeezzz goooo

Y/N's POV:

The three of us push through the streets of the city. My eyes dart from left to right waiting for an ambush to come.

Jenna: So how'd you manage to piss off an entire city?

Y/N: Whats it matter?

I turn a corner expecting to be met with blaster fire but to my luck it never comes.

Jenna: Oh you know, I thought the big bad empire didn't run away with their tails tucked between their legs.

I ignore her and turn another corner. My eyes scan the streets carefully. Looking up I can see the black smoke of the crashed TIE not too far off.

Jenna: Hey I'm talking to you!

Doc: Let it go, he's had a rough day.

Jenna: As if. You fascists usually just burn cities to the ground.

I turn a corner and a man raises his rifle at me. I drop to one knee as his shots sail over my head. I then fire into his chest two times dropping the fucker.

Y/N: And you rebels hide among civilian crowds.

Jenna: Excuse me?

Y/N: You heard me. Every single time we've been shot at, every single time a family has to see the Chaplin walk up to their door, every single time it's been because of a rebel dressed as a goddamn civilian.

I turn to face her and stare her down.

Jenna: You act as if your the good guys. As if what you do is right.

Y/N: We're not the goddamn terrorists. We're not the fuckers who shoot and scoot. And we don't bomb bridges carrying civilians.

Jenna: But you do destroy lives. Raze villages to the ground. Spread tyranny through the galaxy.

Y/N: We are preserving the only peace this galaxy has seen for decades.

We start to get much closer to the TIE now.

Jenna: killers.

I freeze in my tracks. In front of me is the kid who I had to kill back on Kronos. His dull lifeless eyes bore into my soul. His pale skin seemingly reflects the light off of him, as if no warmth can get to him.

Doc: Knox? You okay?

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I snap out of my trance.

Y/N: I'm fine.

I turn to face Jenna once more. My shoulders relax as I calmly start talking.

Y/N: Close your eyes.

Jenna: Excuse me?

Y/N: Just do it.

She shrugs before closing them.

Y/N: What do you see?

Jenna: Nothing?

Y/N: Listen carefully, what do you hear?

Jenna: Nothing? What's the point of this?

Y/N: Open your eyes. Look at Doc, what do you see?

Jenna: A bucket head.

I turn my back to her and we start walking.

Y/N: You couldn't begin to understand what we've seen, what we've heard, how we see eachother.

My mind replays the countless battles I've fought at this point.

Y/N: Everytime I close my eyes I see the faces of my fallen brothers, I see the people I've had to kill. Whenever things go quiet I can still hear the bombs, the blaster fire, the screams, the people begging for help.

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